Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: No Deal Brexit Plan

What does a no deal Brexit mean for Scottish independence?

We have all rather forgotten about Brexit in the past few months. Whatever damage Brexit might have done to the economy is trivial compared to what Covid has done. Being locked up in our homes with an illness killing thousands with no end in sight has rather put other matters …

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No Deal Brexit (WTO, No Transition) will be fine

The Treasury forecasts for the effect of the Referendum on the UK economy are now known to have been wrong. There was no huge economic meltdown due to “uncertainty” in 2017, unemployment has stayed low and inflation is steady.  In fact the UK economy has performed better than that of …

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Even if we leave the EU with No Deal, the “Cliff Edge” doesn’t exist

With Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in late July 2019, fear of a “no deal” Brexit has markedly increased. “Project Fear” has been ramped back up, and with Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement supposedly dead, rhetoric about “crashing out” and a “no deal cliff edge” is now …

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A plague of yellowhammers

If Remainers were bookmakers, they would have been out of business long ago. Their ability to predict future events ranks with prophets predicting the end of the world is nigh. Next time you see someone ranting in the street calling on you to repent your sins because the world is …

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Don’t let Labour ruin Britain again

Governments are very powerful in Britain. The power of Parliament on the other hand is limited. It can pass or fail to pass laws and it can vote a Government down. Governments have been able to declare war and make peace without asking the opinion of Parliament. What this means …

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Time to end the national humiliation – #LetsGoWTO

Yesterday epitomised the farce that Parliament has descended into. For the second time in one week (to say nothing of the multiple previous rejections), the Remainer Parliament rejected four Remain alternatives – hand picked for them by a biased, self-aggrandizing, buffoonish Remain supporting speaker. The lead proponent of Norway Plus …

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Brexit tariff reduction

News has broken that in the event of “No Deal”, up to 90 % of tariffs will be removed. Confirmation seems to have come from a refusal to deny from Greg Clark, Business Secretary. Naturally, views have been expressed, from all political vantage points. The opposition can be expected to …

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Brexit – what happens next

At present there are only three options available for Brexit.  These are the approval of a changed Withdrawal Agreement, a No-Deal Brexit and an extension of Article 50. The EU is insisting that the Withdrawal Agreement cannot be changed.  The EU always plays hard ball in negotiations so no-one is …

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Nothing has changed – Theresa May’s Brexit deal must be voted down

When Theresa May’s deal with the EU was announced in November, the Daily Globe was sorely disappointed and recommended MPs vote it down. You can read our reasoning here. Unfortunately, to use the Prime Minister’s phrase, nothing has changed. The bill that will be voted on by MPs today unfortunately …

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Considering Project Fear’s No Deal Brexit Plans

Earlier last week, we found out that May had finally decided to get planning for a No Deal Brexit. This was something Brexiteers were very eager for – everybody felt that now, after two years, perhaps we could finally get somewhere and achieve what we had voted for. Perhaps now …

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