Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: House of Lords

Weep not for the Blairites

For the first time in ages, Brexit is not dominating the news. Rather, a possible change in political alliances is breaking with the departure of the 7 Blairite MPs from the Labour party under the banner of “The Independent Group”. It is certainly possible that more Blairite MPs, such as …

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My top five English/UK Monarchs

All of my articles so far have been opinion pieces on current affairs; I hear on the news the latest political issue that people and politicians are getting worked up to legislate on and I decide to put my own opinions forward through this platform. What I haven’t really done …

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The future for the House of Lords

It’s been a while since I last put together an opinion piece because I’ve either not had the time or ability to think of something to put together. Nevertheless, I thought I’d try and put together at least one more because very soon Uni work is likely to start piling …

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Energy Security after #Brexit

The House of Lords has just published its inquiry into energy security after Brexit – see Brexit: Energy Security. This publication is fairly complete in its coverage of the changes that will be needed in the coming year.  The government will have had almost 3 years to plan for Brexit by …

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The Article 50 Letter if the Lords Amendments had made it into law

Dear Mr Junker, Please find attached the Article 50 paperwork as required by the Lisbon Treaty to give notice of the UK intention to leave the European Union. We have added a couple of caveats to it as decreed by our House of Lords just so that you know where …

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Why the Lords must be overturned

The House of Lords has sent back the Article 50 bill with two amendments. The first concerns the rights of EU citizens. The second was to give parliament a “meaningful say” in any deal that might be reached. The proposed amendments can be seen here. The first of those amendments …

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Final say – House of Burkes

The Lords met again to debate the Article 50 bill. The day was dominated by two Liberal Democrat amendments. The scene was set for entertainment and drama. The ultimate decision would be if the people or parliament should have the final say. One amendment passed, one failed. Elsewhere, it was fun …

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Rights of EU citizens after #Brexit (HoL debate)

The House of Lords has entered the second day of the second reading of the Article 50 debate. There have been some fascinating contributions, some expected, some unexpected. One in particular stood out. It has been an interesting week for the House of Lords, starting with Monday’s BBC documentary Meet …

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House of Lords – an opportunity for reform?

In the wake of the EU referendum, public attention has been aroused by suggestions that the House of Lords could be the forum to block Brexit. Were they to do so, would this make it the right time to reform or even abolish the upper chamber? The House of Lords …

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UK Politics- 2015 in Review

2015 was a great and monumental year for British politics. My top ten biggest stories for the year are as follows: The Conservatives winning a majority at the general election. Lynton Crosby did a fantastic job at properly framing the stakes for the British people- that Ed Miliband-led Labour was weak …

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The Union is Saved! Now, let’s constitutionally tinker correctly.

Absolutely wonderful result last night. The Scottish people rejected the false “pie in the sky” Socialist Utopian promises of the SNP and did it by a better than expected 10 point margin. Very good result indeed. Writing in the Daily Telegraph with his usual eloquence, Daniel Hannan, perfectly expresses how …

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