Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: England

Three hundred and fourteen years of hurt

One lion on oor flag We’re still getting steamin Three hunner years of hurt Didna stop us scheming It’s comin hame, It’s comin hame. It’s comin. Fitba’s comin hame.   The English think that they invented football, but it’s not true. Everyone knows that it was invented in Aberdeenshire. It …

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The Commonwealth stands with England as they bring Football home!

Today while millions across England support the Three Lions, millions more in the Commonwealth from Australia to India, Canada to the Caribbean and Malta to Africa will be cheering on our English friends. After decades of hoping and praying, Football is finally coming home to the nation that has built …

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Boris’ obliteration of Labour continues

English local election results have continued right where General Election 2019 left off – namely, the Conservatives winning over the former Labour “red wall.” Councils that were once the safest of safe Labour areas are now Tory. Hartlepool, a constituency that has been controlled by Labour since its inception, now …

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Let’s Celebrate St. George’s Day and be proud of our English identity

The time has come to reforge what it means to be English and celebrate our long island story. Those of us who are truly good citizens of England understand that our ethnic and nationality identity has been under constant attack. To many on the Left, Englishness is a source of …

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The English Appreciation Society of Scotland

There is a view I like on the west coast of Scotland which takes in the islands of Raasay and Rona, behind them Skye with its Cuillins and in the far distance the Outer Hebrides.  It is perhaps the best view in Europe if you can find an evening in June …

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Forward the Three Lions (On a Shirt)!

We at the Daily Globe and the CRCC stand it support of traditional British culture, no matter whether it comes from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. As such, the fine old English sport of football, is somethink we are proud about and support. Most of our readers were probably …

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Carnage in Manchester, it must be our last

1977, aged 7, I experienced my first ‘bomb’ in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Us kids had our hospital beds wheeled into the corridor as our room windows came through, from a car-bomb in the carpark. It became almost a weekly thing for a while (I was there for a …

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Labour And The Left Simply Do Not ‘Get’ Patriotism, And Their Patron Saints Holiday Proposal Proves It

The Labour Party’s genius plan to “unite the nation” by further Balkanising the United Kingdom The Labour Party and the British Left in general just don’t get it. With the honourable exception of a few Cassandra-like voices warning that the Left must learn to re-embrace patriotism in order to reconnect with …

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The #BelieveInBritain Manifesto

It is time for a Believe in Britain campaign. Purpose In recent decades we have seen the growth of regional and national identities. There is the obvious growth of SNP and demands for Scottish independence, but also in Wales – Plaid Cymru now take part in UK-wide general election TV …

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JUNIOR DOCTORS: Ben Gummer echoes Jeremy Hunt’s BMA allegations & confirms upcoming strike now solely about PAY

Ben Gummer MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health, stood in for Jeremy Hunt in the UK House of Commons yesterday to answer an ‘urgent question’ from Heidi Alexander MP (Labour), regarding junior doctors’ contract negotiations. Jeremy Hunt had appeared on The Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, blaming the BMA …

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