Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Yvette Cooper

Brexit – what happens next

At present there are only three options available for Brexit.  These are the approval of a changed Withdrawal Agreement, a No-Deal Brexit and an extension of Article 50. The EU is insisting that the Withdrawal Agreement cannot be changed.  The EU always plays hard ball in negotiations so no-one is …

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Weep not for the Blairites

For the first time in ages, Brexit is not dominating the news. Rather, a possible change in political alliances is breaking with the departure of the 7 Blairite MPs from the Labour party under the banner of “The Independent Group”. It is certainly possible that more Blairite MPs, such as …

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Conservative MPs should vote for the Brady amendment…to run down the clock.

There are reports that Conservative ERG MPs are considering not voting Sir Graham Brady’s amendment being tabled tonight. Sir Brady’s amendment calls for the Northern Ireland backstop to be replaced with alternative arrangements to avoid a hard border, while stating support for the Withdrawal Agreement “subject to this change to deal …

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Bercow and Brexit wreckers deserve no respect

In his latest and most outrageous Remainer antic, Mr. “Bollocks to Brexit” Speaker John Bercow decided to defy parliamentary procedure, precedence, and his own clerks’ advice to approve arch-Remainer Dominic Grieve’s anti-Brexit amendment. This amendment was approved without debate. To read a good analysis of the outrageous and damaging nature and …

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After the referendum?

This post is mainly addressed to elected MPs of the Conservative persuasion. Whatever the outcome of the EU Referendum, I really think that David Cameron is peddling pure fantasy if he thinks that things can go back to ‘normal’. The party line is that after the vote, Conservatives will come …

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The new Old Labour leadership contest

Today I listened to about an hour of the LBC Labour leaders debate hosted by Iain Dale. As a Conservative supporter, watching the state of disarray in Labour- whether it is with their shambolic response to welfare cuts or their grass-roots’ embrace of a dinosaur reincarnation of Michael Foot- is …

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