Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Winston Churchill

And now, the end is near

The odds of Boris Johnson remaining Prime Minister in 2022 are now 1/41. If you think he will stay until 2023 you can get odds of 29/1 or until 2024 37/1. This means we are going to have a new Prime Minister soon. There is no point any longer debating …

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Cometh the hour

Brent Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. Just before the outbreak of the Second World War, the London …

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Mind the Gap

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. This time last week, I sat in a pub in Westminster, about 3-4 blocks from Parliament. I was fortunate enough to be there at a significant time …

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Top five UK Prime Ministers

I’ve decided it’s been a while since I’ve done an article so I thought I’d put together the next in a series of top fives I began a while back with my article on British Monarchs. This time we’ll go for something much more political shall we and talk about …

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The Christian Duty to Defend Democracy

Despite the attempts of every man-made ideology to persecute and annihilate it, Christianity has survived. From Nero and Diocletian to Hitler, Stalin and Mao; from Roman dictatorship to Nazi and Communist atheism; it has survived. Paradoxically, as Tertullian observed, persecution has proved to be the seed of the Church. Christianity, …

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A brief stop to smell the roses

The goal of the Daily Globe is to bring our readers an analysation of the news that brings perspective to events. We do not claim to report the news because frankly we don’t (and couldn’t afford to) employ journalists. Rather, we try to assemble a collection of writers who think …

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Focus on the family

“We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.” – Winston …

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Brexit was just the end of the beginning

The Brexit vote was about returning power to the British people. Remoaners can spin and cry and complain but polls confirm the British people understood what they were voting for: restoring sovereignty. It was a great victory for all of us who campaigned for Brexit and we here at the …

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The Next Lion: Boris Johnson

“For several decades now it has been fashionable to say that those so-called great men and women are just ephiphenomena, meretricious bubbles on the vast tides of social history. Well, I think the story of Winston Churchill is a pretty withering retort to all that malarkey. He and he alone …

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