Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: UKIP

Could the SDP be the UKIP of the left?

The Social Democratic Party, yes, the one formed in 1981 – sort of – are enjoying something of a renaissance. They have emerged from the political wilderness with a fresh policy platform, its tone neatly surmised by their new slogan: Family, Community, Nation. They intend to speak directly to the …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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The New Politics

The EU Referendum and the years since have exposed a new politics in Britain.  There is a division between those who are attached to the idea of a globalised world and those who believe that politics is fundamentally local. The values that appeal to the globalising Internationalists are no borders, …

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The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. Even those with a passing knowledge of Judeo Christian religious teachings are familiar with the story of Samson – his rise, his downfall, and the circumstances of …

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The possible Peterborough by-election will be the most important of this decade

The small city of Peterborough doesn’t sound particularly important or relevant in these nervous times of British politics. However, over the next couple of months Peteborough will oversee a political fight unlike any other. The reason being is because of the recent event whereby the Labour MP has received a …

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Let Spring follow Winter

When I write these articles it is the equivalent of public speaking for me, which is terrifying and makes me feel stressed and ill afterwards. Which is why on the run up to the referendum and afterwards I resisted the urge, there were enough people shouting the odds. However I …

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Flagship Policies

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to an interview of Jacob Rees-Mogg by James Delingpole on YouTube. Mogg asked Delingpole who he felt the UK’s best Prime Ministers had been when Delingpole slighted career politicians. Upon responding with the standard Thatcher and Churchill, Mogg replied by asking ‘What about …

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General election 2017 – winners and losers

Following a campaign that has been both turbulent and tranquil, the day is finally over. The voters can have had their say. This was an election that didn’t have to happen. The Fixed Term Parliament Act provided for a date in 2020, a year that could have provided perfect retrospective …

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May points the way

Recent experience has taught everyone with an interest in politics not to rely too much on opinion polls. However, the present General Election campaign is unusual because there has been an actual poll which has acted as an hors d’œuvre to the main course on June 8th. We don’t know …

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An Overview of #GE2017

So, here we go again. The politics of the United Kingdom are centre stage once again. Scottish independence Referendum 2014, UK General Election 2015, EU Referendum 2016 and now, UK General Election 2017. Introduction The one in Scotland was the ‘once in a generation’ Referendum you may remember but SNP …

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Weekly Globe #Podcast: Episode 4

This is the fourth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the previous week’s articles to give in-depth analysis and perspective to what was published on the site. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen to it here: …

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Brexit was just the end of the beginning

The Brexit vote was about returning power to the British people. Remoaners can spin and cry and complain but polls confirm the British people understood what they were voting for: restoring sovereignty. It was a great victory for all of us who campaigned for Brexit and we here at the …

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What is the Labour leadership contest really all about?

Labour is in the midst of a leadership contest.  All ballots must be returned by Wednesday 21 September at midday and the result will be announced at a Special Conference on Saturday 24 September in Liverpool. Corbyn is guaranteed to win. So what is really going on? All political parties …

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The Inhabitants Of UKIP Country Are Our Friends And Compatriots, Not Members Of A Racist Freak Show

How is the fact that most Ukippers and Brexiteers are ordinary, decent people and not rabid skinhead racists such surprising news that it merits an article in The Spectator? The metro-left have their fixed views of Brexiteers and Ukippers – basically ghastly, uncultured people with a blinkered, nationalistic worldview bordering on …

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The changing face of democracy

A week after the referendum result, the political landscape has changed. The United Kingdom now has the opportunity to remodel itself as an outward looking nation, free of the constraints of policies decided at an EU level. It would seem that the only constraint now is our own political system. …

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The Daily Globe #Brexit Manifesto

Winning the referendum was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’ve been fighting for Brexit for a long time and winning was one the grandest of satisfactions. I see fantastic opportunities for the post-Brexit United Kingdom. However, before those Brexit opportunities are realised we need to address the …

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Treachery from No. 10

Some might say that treachery is too harsh a word but I use this with intent.  The dictionary definitions all talk about betrayal of trust, deception, disloyalty and bad faith.  That seems to be a clear description of what has just transpired in London. Charitably, we might say that the …

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Brexit cannot be achieved on an anti-immigration platform

I believe it is a grave mistake to imagine that the referendum can be won on an anti-immigration ticket. It is for the most part only a minority of people that believe otherwise, yet they are an extremely vocal and aggressive group who are more politically active than many, giving …

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The EU Referendum is the perfect opportunity to use the Conservative Party for good

Earlier this week, the big-thinking but kvetching Times columnist and Conservative Home founder Tim Montgomerie announced he was leaving the Conservative Party. He gave his reasons for leaving the Tories being the party’s failure on deficit reduction, immigration, inequality and the Prime Minister’s EU charade. Given Tim’s long time disdain for …

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