Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Terrorism

Only the terrorist is guilty

Whenever there is a terrorist attack in somewhere like Israel, we are told by the BBC that it carried out by militants. It gives the impression that the far left from the 1980s stopped handing out newspapers to blow himself up. Only when a terrorist attack happens here in Britain …

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Terrorism: Time to leave the EU Counter Terrorism Strategy

The EU Counter Terrorism Strategy was adopted by Member States in 2005.   “Prevent” and de-radicalisation are essential features of this strategy. The EU Counter Terrorism Strategy was based on the idea that the Political Establishment has correct beliefs and that serious deviations from these are effectively a form of mental illness.  This …

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Austerity is not to blame for terrorism

Blaming recent attacks on austerity isn’t just pure politicking it’s total and utter rubbish. There is absolutely no evidence what so ever that austerity or front line policing cuts have in any way contributed to either attack. The anti terror budget has not just been protected but increased, there is …

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Weekly Globe Episode 7

This is the seventh in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the Manchester attack, Labour’s association with terrorism and concluded with a progress report on the CRCC- the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK campaign. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen …

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Don’t Trade Liberty for Security

“Those who sacrifice essential liberty for temporary safety are not deserving of either liberty or safety.” — Ben Franklin, 1776 In the wake of 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks around the world, there is a real temptation to allow the government to take away some of our most precious rights …

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Carnage in Manchester, it must be our last

1977, aged 7, I experienced my first ‘bomb’ in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast. Us kids had our hospital beds wheeled into the corridor as our room windows came through, from a car-bomb in the carpark. It became almost a weekly thing for a while (I was there for a …

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Weekly Globe #Podcast: Episode 4

This is the fourth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the previous week’s articles to give in-depth analysis and perspective to what was published on the site. We hope readers enjoy the Weekly Globe podcasts. You can listen to it here: …

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Reflecting on Owen Smith’s ISIS comments

Owen Smith is quickly proving only one thing: he is not up to the top job in Britain. Nor is he making a particularly persuasive case for why he should be the man to lead Labour into the 2020 General Election. I have decided not to write in any great …

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Weekly Terror Attacks Are Europe’s New Normal – For This, You Can Blame Angela Merkel And The Virtue Signallers

Terror is the new normal, and Europe’s progressive virtue-signallers must shoulder their share of the blame Douglas Murray has no time for a craven German government which prioritised the burnishing of its humanitarian credentials over the safety of its own citizens: The Thursday before last it was Nice.  But already …

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Bastille Day Terrorist Attack In Nice – The Enemy Which We Refuse To Name Strikes Again

As #PrayForNice trends on Twitter and another European city is plunged into terror and tragedy, what action have we taken to name, confront and defeat the evil which threatens us? The news and images coming from the French city of Nice on what should be the most celebratory of days for …

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Libya, soon to be known as “the rod that broke the back of the European Union”.

Let me lay out my concerns over the upcoming crisis in Libya, one which will break the EU into pieces, if not accepted and addressed immediately. This is simple.  The facts are there.  The debate is just not happening.  Yet. UK media half-heartedly cover the Libyan crisis, in small news …

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Europhile Myths Debunked

There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …

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Peter Tatchell makes an excellent point re Sharia and Human Rights

I cannot profess to agreeing with Peter Tatchell on everything, in fact our views on Palestine are probably poles apart, but I have to give credit where it is due. Peter, at a recent debate “Is Islam the cause or solution to extremism?“, piles into what I can only call …

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Sorting the sheep from the goats

Until relatively recently most Christians in Europe thought that their beliefs could be imposed on others. There were religious wars between Catholics and Protestants in order to do this. At times the law said I had to practice Christianity in this way, at times it said I had to practice …

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There are no safe spaces now

When did the SNP last support a war? Was it in 1314 or was it in 1745? They certainly didn’t support “England’s war” in 1939, nor as far as I recall have they supported any war since. Nicola Sturgeon might have pretended that she would listen to the arguments made …

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Paris and denial

An open letter to President Hollande, President Obama, Chancellor Merkel, Prime Minister David Cameron and other Western Leaders Yesterday, I posted here on the threat posed by the fifth column within Western societies.  I had no idea that the (incomplete) list of atrocities, committed extremist Muslims would have new attacks to be …

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