Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Sajid Javid

A long overdue welcome to “Freedom Day”

It is welcome that all COVID restrictions in England (barring international travel and self-isolating requirements upon being “pinged” by the NHS app – which goes away on the 16th of August for those fully vaccinated and under 18) FINALLY go away today. Frankly, the restrictions have gone on way too …

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Rishi Sunak’s success exposes the lies of the left.

In the past days, we have seen some rather disgraceful attacks on the personal background of UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak by a Labour MP, Zarah Sultana, who herself has no track record of any tangible success. In an attempt either to compensate for her own lack of real accomplishments as …

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Boris Johnson’s Leadership Masterclass

As Prime Minister Boris Johnson met with his “new look” Cabinet last Friday, the dynamic Leader declared “We are here to deliver for the people of this country who elected us to serve them. The people’s government has to get on with delivering the people’s priorities and in the next …

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Ignore the gloomsters, this is a perfect Cabinet

Hallelujah! The resignation of one Theresa May brings joy to many people – Brexiteers, socialists and the commentariat. The socialists have another tear in their eye now – and that is due to the next Prime Minister being one Boris Johnson. For the first time since 1991, the Conservative Party …

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The Boris Cabinet

Boris Johnson is now Prime Minister. His Cabinet is not merely reshuffled but well and truly scattered. Has he created a house of cards from a new deck or is he just the Joker? An immediate observation is that of diversity. Of the four great offices of state, PM, Chancellor, …

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The No Deal predictions

Prior to considering any of the predictions for a No Deal Brexit it is worthwhile to get a sense of perspective about the role of the EU in the UK economy. In 2016 exports to the EU constituted only 12% of UK GDP. ( See Exports of Goods and Services to …

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My Dream Tory Cabinet

I’m backing Boris in the leadership election and for the purposes of this article am assuming that, as the polls suggest, he will win the membership vote. This post, however, is focused on the rest of the Cabinet – because a government is about much more than one person. Prime …

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Conservative leadership contest

Conservatives leadership challenge Theresa May has finally stepped down as party leader. The race to succeed her as Prime Minister is on. The aim of this is to summarise the relevant candidates and to track progress in the campaigns. The timetable of events is short, May’s last day as leader …

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Three Cheers for Sajid Javid!

The Daily Globe sends its warmest congratulations to Sajid Javid on becoming Home Secretary. Unlike so many of the Prime Minister’s cabinet appointees who are uninspired May loyalists, Mr. Javid is an excellent choice to hold one of the great offices of State. Originally from a modest Pakistani immigrant background, …

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Thoughts on the Summer Budget- A Proper Property Owning Democracy with a bit too much tinkering

There was a lot to take in after the Chancellor delivered the first Conservative-only budget in 19 years. Overall I think it was good budget but it could have been better. Therefore, I will list the most positive and most negative take-a-ways from the budget. Positive: 1. Getting people off …

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