Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Referendum

The False Allure Of A Second EU Referendum

Beguiled by the irresistible prospect of overturning Brexit before it even happens, many Remainers are even more oblivious to the consequences of forcing and winning a second referendum than Brexiteers were to the fallout from victory in the first What would actually happen in the event that there was a …

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MPs Allege Foreign Hacking Of The EU Referendum, Provide No Evidence

Cynical, calculating and alarmist MPs are undermining faith in democracy with their conspiratorial anti-Brexit shenanigans “A voter registration site that crashed in the run-up to last year’s EU referendum could have been targeted by a foreign cyber attack, MPs say”, screeches the BBC. The Guardian, spurred by its anti-Brexit bias to …

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Responding to post-referendum desperation from petulant ‘Remain’ voters

In case you weren’t aware, Britain voted to leave the European Union last week. Or at least I think it did. It’s been a tense, turbulent and tumultuous past few days, but to my great surprise, I’ve kept relatively sane. Immense jubilation was quickly clouded by threats and abuse, something …

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Brexit Fallout: Fear And Loathing (Of Democracy) In Brussels

The hysterical response of EU officials to Brexit (as opposed to national leaders, who have been more pragmatic and conciliatory) shows why we were right to leave the European Union, and why no lover of democracy should be happy so long as it continues to exist as a supranational government …

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The IndyRef2 debate is an irrelevance, nobody will call one in the wake of Brexit result

The threat of a second Scottish Independence Referendum (IndyRef2), coming about as a result of the Brexit vote in the UK-wide EU Membership Referendum, is fallacy. It’s spin.  It’s deceitful.  It’s divisive.  It’s complete nonsense. There is no way we are either going to see a second Scottish Independence Referendum, …

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The infamous Edwina Currie reminds us of the lack of debate over UK Sovereignty in upcoming EU Referendum

Edwina Currie, famous for many things but formerly a Conservative MP until she lost her seat in 1997, sparked Twitter outrage today with a completely off-the-cuff remark about sovereignty. Many of us (with many valid reasons) feel Edwina Currie is as mad as a bag of spanners, but her voice …

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US Bank Behind EU Membership Referendum

In the recent past we have heard that Brexit will cause:  Sterling to crash by 20% (1),  Banks to move to EU (2),  Banks on both sides of Atlantic to be struck down by uncertainty (3), London to lose its status as financial capital (4) etc. These were all rumours …

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Libya, soon to be known as “the rod that broke the back of the European Union”.

Let me lay out my concerns over the upcoming crisis in Libya, one which will break the EU into pieces, if not accepted and addressed immediately. This is simple.  The facts are there.  The debate is just not happening.  Yet. UK media half-heartedly cover the Libyan crisis, in small news …

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Scottish life expectancy

What do you think is the life expectancy for a 21st century Scot?  According to official statistics,  the latest averages are 77.1 years for a man and 81.1 years for a woman. What about a ‘generation’.  How many years do you think that might be?  I reckon somewhere between 25 …

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America’s AU Referendum- America in Britain’s situation

To have a proper debate on anything requires the most global of perspectives. Unfortunately, most of the EU referendum debate so far has been either “euro-centric” or “Britain of 2015-centric” and often fails to take into account how Brexit affects the rest of the world or how it would be …

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Kelvin MacKenzie reveals PM David Cameron to be a ‘Eurosceptic’

During last night’s episode of BBC Question Time, ex-Sun Editor Kelvin MacKenzie revealed that, at a party before Xmas 2015, UK Prime Minister David Cameron described himself to Rupert Murdoch as a Eurosceptic. Nick Boles, Conservative MP, also states that David Cameron has “no romantic attachment to the EU”, before going …

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William Hague is scaremongering over the EU referendum

As the EU Referendum creeps closer don’t be fooled by high profile politicians, such as William Hague, being wheeled out one after another to make a case for staying in the EU. Although unsettling to an uninformed general public, a favourite point being made throughout UK media given his previous Eurosceptic stance, this …

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