Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: LeftWatch

Don’t Expect The Independent Group To Rescue Britain’s Broken Politics

Chuka Umunna? Former choirboy, but most definitely not the Messiah… In my limited spare time since commencing law school, I have been attending a wonderful Bible study group for graduate students, organized by the university’s Catholic Student Center. Having plodded our way methodically through the New Testament, last week we …

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To the Left, everything disagreeable is far right

When are self-identifying lefties going to acknowledge the evils of far-left ideology? They will not. To the modern Left, every form of extremism is far right… Authoritarianism (more rules)? Far right.Anarchism (no rules)? Also far right. Plutocracy (rule by the few)? Far right.Populism (appealing to the masses)? Also far right. …

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Lessons On Populism, From Bono

How to solve the “scourge” of European populism? CNN’s Fareed Zakaria makes a pilgrimage to Kiev, to consult with the geopolitical oracle known as Bono Every now and then you read an article so astonishingly un-self aware, so counterproductive, so open to attack and ridicule on multiple fronts that it …

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The Perfect Storm: When Continuity Remainers Meet NHS Worshippers

When all else fails, Continuity Remainers invoke the NHS in their last-gasp attempt to win support for their “People’s Vote” The past few years have seen an inexplicable surge in the release of implausible, cheaply-produced disaster movies, aided by the falling costs of CGI, with plots based on supersized or …

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Sandi Toksvig, Gender Martyr

It is a far, far better thing that she does… High drama in Britain, as vaguely-known personality Sandi Toksvig reveals – at a meeting of the Women’s Equality Party – that she is not being paid the same as her predecessor, the much more widely known Stephen Fry, to host …

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Unsurprisingly, The “Disparate Impact” Test Reveals That Brexit (And Everything Else) Is Sexist

Leftists to women: “Don’t you worry your pretty little minds with complicated talk about geopolitics, democracy or the long-term national interest – just think about Brexit in terms of whether you stand to gain or lose government benefits and entitlements” It must have seemed like a godsend to whichever scheming …

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Who Is Truly Marginalised? – Part 2

Champions of intersectional identity politics in academia, culture and government have accrued near-hegemonic societal power for themselves by exploiting both the real and imagined oppression of certain groups on whose behalf they boldly presume to speak Last month, I wrote a short reflection on who is and is not effectively marginalized …

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No, Jesus Would Not Demand Open Borders

Those who make a Christian case for open borders and uncontrolled mass immigration do not apply the same altruism they demand of society to their own personal lives, and neither would tearing down national borders improve the common good. Those who use their faith (or even more cynically, the faith …

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Who Is Truly Marginalised?

The marginalization of people and the marginalization of supposedly harmful ideas are very different phenomena, and the continued existence of the former neither requires nor excuses the latter Rod Dreher has a great reflection on his blog about who and what viewpoints in our present society are truly marginalised. Unsurprisingly, he …

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Unregulated, Unaccountable Corporate Megacharities Like Oxfam Are Not Fit For Purpose

I have refrained thus far from writing about the Oxfam prostitution/rape scandal as the fallout metastasises throughout the charity sector, but I’m sure that regular readers can already guess exactly what I think about a largely government-funded pseudo-charity staffed by overpaid mediocrities who seem to think that their primary job …

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The Two Brexits

Not everything of value can be measured or counted, and Remainers opposing Brexit purely on economic or materialistic terms are doomed to forever misunderstand half the country when they refuse to view Brexit through any other prism If we are to have any hope of knitting Britain back together after …

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Does Oxbridge Discriminate?

Oxbridge has every incentive to admit more students from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds. If diversity has failed to improve then it is our fault as individuals, families, communities and voters for failing to provide elite universities with a bigger, better talent pool Another day, another tedious story about Oxbridge being …

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Women-Only Train Carriages: Identity Politics Leads To Calls For Segregation, Once Again

Is there any contemporary problem that the identity politics Left will not propose solving through the introduction of segregation? I see that the recurring debate about whether or not to introduce female-only train carriages has bubbled up again from the swamp of leftist thinking. Charlotte England tries to make the …

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Centrism Is The New Extremism

For many years, the most angry and bitter invective in our political discourse hailed from the far Left and Right. But now it is the supposedly rational and pragmatic centrists who are becoming unhinged and increasingly uncivilised. Like the stopped clock which still tells the correct time twice a day, …

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Remainers: You Can Stop Pretending To Be Patriotic Now

A rare moment of honesty from an arch-Remainer New Statesman staff writer Jonn Elledge – whom I recently described as “worse than a garden variety xenophobe” for his heinous statements about elderly Brexit voters, much to his indignant outrage – recently engaged in a minor Twitter spat with Tim Montgomerie …

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Calls For A 100% Inheritance Tax Reveal The Far Left’s Evil Heart

Renewed calls by leftists for a 100% inheritance tax force us to have the argument all over again – does the state exist to serve us, or do we exist to serve the state? I’m sure that many others have already published their own incredulous reactions, but I cannot let …

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#GE 2017: Conservatives Cannot Give Up On The Youth Vote Part 2

Through their arrogance and sheer incompetence, the Tories have turned an entire generation away from conservative politics. But the solution is not to go marching off to the socialist Left It doesn’t have to be like this. It doesn’t have to be the case that people under 30 years of …

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Labour Centrists Bend The Knee To Jeremy Corbyn, Once Again

No courage, no backbone, no vision of their own Telegraph sketchwriter Michael Deacon reports on the rapturous reception given to Jeremy Corbyn by the Parliamentary Labour Party when he entered the Commons yesterday: Labour MPs cheered Jeremy Corbyn. Genuinely. They really did. And when I say Labour MPs, I don’t …

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Labour’s Cynical, Disingenuous National Debt Hysteria

Pot, meet kettle You’ve probably already seen them countless times over the course of this general election campaign – the smug, sanctimonious internet memes bandied about by Labour supporters and other left-wing activists excoriating the Conservatives for having presided over a massive increase in the national debt since taking office in …

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