Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Jacob Rees-Mogg

Brexit – the final countdown?

Are we entering the final countdown to Brexit? Logically, there are three options, to leave without a deal, to leave with a deal and obviously not to leave. The probability of each outcome depends on perspectives taken. As things stand, there is only one deal available, what has become known …

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Ignore the gloomsters, this is a perfect Cabinet

Hallelujah! The resignation of one Theresa May brings joy to many people – Brexiteers, socialists and the commentariat. The socialists have another tear in their eye now – and that is due to the next Prime Minister being one Boris Johnson. For the first time since 1991, the Conservative Party …

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The Boris Cabinet

Boris Johnson is now Prime Minister. His Cabinet is not merely reshuffled but well and truly scattered. Has he created a house of cards from a new deck or is he just the Joker? An immediate observation is that of diversity. Of the four great offices of state, PM, Chancellor, …

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My Dream Tory Cabinet

I’m backing Boris in the leadership election and for the purposes of this article am assuming that, as the polls suggest, he will win the membership vote. This post, however, is focused on the rest of the Cabinet – because a government is about much more than one person. Prime …

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It is time for Boris

Originally, I supported Esther McVey for the leadership of the Conservative Party, and I still do believe that she is the best candidate. There is one issue – she is not gaining traction among MPs, and is still languishing with six supporters. This means I need to pick a different …

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Globe at the Weekend #Podcast: Episode 16

This is the Globe at the weekend podcast featuring co-hosts Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson for 13 July 2018. The podcast Co-Hosts Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson review the recent British political events in a frank, forthright, and fair manner. This weekend’s discussion focused on three main topics:. You can …

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Three Cheers for Sajid Javid!

The Daily Globe sends its warmest congratulations to Sajid Javid on becoming Home Secretary. Unlike so many of the Prime Minister’s cabinet appointees who are uninspired May loyalists, Mr. Javid is an excellent choice to hold one of the great offices of State. Originally from a modest Pakistani immigrant background, …

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The Globe at the Weekend #Podcast- Episode 15

This is the Globe at the weekend podcast featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson for 9 February 2018. The podcast summarised Jacob Rees-Mogg and the rise of ‘Moggmentum’, Bias in the Civil Service, The NHS Winter Crisis and ideas for NHS Reform, and concluded with a discussion on Knife Crime …

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Theresa May just blew her last chance

At last the long awaited cabinet reshuffle has been called and my word it was depressing. I kept an eye on the TV reporting live from Downing Street while I was in the Gym this morning hoping that a major rejuvination might boost me, but instead I watched the same …

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It’s time for a transition cabinet

Theresa May has been a less than strong and stable Prime Minister lately. Ever since her general election under-performance, the Theresa May’s position has been in question, as has the positions of her cabinet ministers. Last week, the Prime Minister even had to face off the first challenge to her …

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No-one expects the Liberal Inquisition

There must be something in human nature that means we always need to take a good thing too far. In this way far from turning it into a very good thing we instead turn it into a very bad thing. The fault, for instance, with Christianity is not what Jesus …

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The theology of Jacob Rees-Mogg

Britain has become an extremely intolerant country. We have reached the stage where in the name of liberalism and tolerance only certain views are allowed to be expressed. This is neither liberal nor tolerant. It should be completely uncontroversial that a Catholic or at least some Catholics follow the teaching …

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In laudem Jacob Rees-Mogg

Throughout history most politicians yearn to be liked, for the roar of the crowd, and for above all, power. Politicians have, to varying degrees, beliefs, but it is rare to find true statesmen or stateswomen. Today’s politics is, in many ways, similar to the late Roman Republic. The society is …

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A #moggmentum Manifesto

Enthusiasm for Brexit among politicians in Westminster is a bit “low-energy” at the moment. Theresa May is soldiering on after a very underwhelming general election performance that saw her reduced to leading a minority government supported by the DUP. Fallen in strength in a remarkably short period, she is now …

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Weekly Globe Episode 9 #podcast

This is the ninth in a series of weekly podcasts featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised the we discuss the ‘ideology’ of conservatism and future leaders of the Conservative Party; Jacob Rees-Mogg and the social media phenomenon of ‘Moggmentum’; the proposals for a deferment of Brexit and …

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Brexit was just the end of the beginning

The Brexit vote was about returning power to the British people. Remoaners can spin and cry and complain but polls confirm the British people understood what they were voting for: restoring sovereignty. It was a great victory for all of us who campaigned for Brexit and we here at the …

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George Osborne’s leaky defence and own goals

The Treasury Select Committee (TSC) met on the afternoon of 11th May to question George Osborne and Treasury official, Mark Bowman over the EU Referendum campaign. The session can be seen here. For those who are unaware, select committees are broadly organised to reflect government departments. Naturally, the TSC reflects …

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