Friday , July 26 2024

Tag Archives: IMF

Boris Johnson must publicly reject the Previous Treasury Predictions

It will be shown below that the Treasury has been using incorrect “predictions” to influence the debate on Independence.  If the Conservatives are truly now a pro-Brexit party they must publicly rebut the Treasury Reports. There have been two high profile sets of Treasury Predictions during the campaign for Independence …

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IMF and Treasury Predicted WTO Brexit will be Fine!

The IMF and Treasury produced reports in 2016 that closely analysed the UK and international economy.  The results of these reports should be read by everyone who is opposed to a No Deal Brexit. The IMF Country Report 16 on the United Kindom has this graph on p31 showing the process of …

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What rival Leavers need to understand about Vote Leave’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure

I have in recent days found myself dealing with perpetual criticism of the Vote Leave campaign’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure during last year’s EU referendum campaign. Scores of Twitter followers and individuals I know in person have, it seems, converged on me, telling me that our figure was either …

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Leave – why wait?

Today, Tuesday 17 January, 2017, UK Prime Minister, Theresa May will lay out the framework for Britain’s exit from the European Union – Brexit. It was an excellent blue print for a global Britain. President Trump has indicated a desire for the USA to conclude a free trade treaty with …

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Treasury Select Committee Brexit report reviewed

The Treasury Select Committee (TSC) has delivered its report on Brexit, or to give the full title, “The economic and financial costs and benefits of the UK’s EU membership”. The result is far reaching, leaving a few questions unanswered. At times, observers might feel that the committee has been uneven …

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Osborne 2, the horror movie

George Osborne, as he promised, has released a second dossier on the effects of a no vote on 23rd June. This time, the target of doom and gloom was the first two years after a Brexit vote. Sadly, Osborne decided not to attend the House of Commons to defend the …

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