When parties list their core values to get votes and then do the exact opposite democracy can no longer function. There is no point in attending an election or referendum if your vote not only has no effect but is cynically exploited so that those who are elected have the …
Read More »Some Bremainiac Lies
Because the remain campaign had no good reasons why we should stay in the EU they resorted to Project Fear instead. Telling us a pack of lies to try and win the referendum. But these lies were so obvious and so ridiculous that only the most dim witted didn’t see …
Read More »A second Brexit referendum would be a landslide win for Leave
The bad losers on the Bremainiac side keep asking for another referendum. These people don’t respect democracy. Presumably they want a referendum every month until they get the “right” result. Just like the utterly deluded SNP in Scotland. What they don’t realise is that a second referendum would be a …
Read More »A challenge to “call me Dave”
It is clear that Remain have been plotting their campaign for some time. Cameron asked us to join him in supporting a “reformed” EU. Brexit has taken a lead in the polls. Why? Cameron has a reputation in some quarters as a political animal. Before becoming an MP, his background …
Read More »Remain campaign to voters: ‘Are you scared yet, children?’
Imagine a company that in 1973 had a 38% global market share in its industry, a market leader, but had since lost ground so that today it controls just 19%. Would you say that company had been successful? No, me neither. Now imagine that the company’s growth was so so …
Read More »Taking control of our trade policy means gaining the freedom to choose and the ability to act
“Trade policy”, says the EU Commission, “is an exclusive power of the EU – so only the EU, and not individual member states, can legislate on trade matters and conclude international trade agreements”. This obviously has serious, wide-ranging implications which are have not been adequately discussed or honestly spelled out …
Read More »The Vice-President of the European Parliament says Cameron’s deal is not binding
‘Who counts as the “the European Union” here? Member state leaders have met within the framework of the European Council, but their agreement is in no way a document of the European Union, but a text of hybrid character, which is unspecified and not legally binding.’ Alexander Graf Lambsdorff is …
Read More »The abolition of roaming charges: A global initiative
The EU boasts about having reduced your roaming charges and Europhiles market this like a crowning achievement, unsurprisingly it found it’s way into the government’s leaflet (which I will discuss in more detail in upcoming posts) While it is clearly patronising to believe people would give up on our status …
Read More »#Davesdodgydeal – The “re-negotiation” failed. The deal is a lie. It’s essential we keep exposing it.
The last time Britain had a referendum on our membership of the EU, or the EEC as it was then, Edward Heath and his Government based their own “Remain” campaign on deception and fear mongering. The campaign was underpinned by a phantom renegotiation and the pretence that our membership was …
Read More »Europhile myths debunked
There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …
Read More »No, we will not get a “punishment beating” if we leave the EU
Stephen Kinnock MP declared in the House of Commons that the EU will give the UK a “punishment beating” in the event of the UK seeking to secede from the Union. This was echoed in agreement on social media by Wes Streeting MP and lapped up by europhiles. As you …
Read More »Europhile Myths Debunked
There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …
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