Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: economy

Time to cease fiddling

We were promised that there would be an economic crisis if we voted to leave the EU. For three years our politicians argued with the EU and among themselves about little else. We were promised that leaving with “no deal” would cause economic chaos. Now we have a real crisis …

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Celebrating Britain’s Jobs Boom

Statistics can often come across as dull, but when it comes to discussing the British job market in recent years, it is unavoidable not to use them. 3.8 million jobs created since 2010. Unemployment fallen from 8% to 4% (lowest since 1975). A record 32.5 million people in work. 750,000 …

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There are 4 possible outcomes from this Brexit chaos

The Brexit crisis hardly needs an introduction, and the past few days have demonstrated the utter nightmare that we are in. Theresa May published her draft Brexit agreement and it was immediately criticised from nearly all politicians and senior figures. The draft agreement does not fulfill the wishes of Brexiteers …

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The Conservative Party is a true Champion of the Sustainable Development Goals

The Conservative Party has achieved many goals and aims in the past 8 years of its governance geared towards creating a better society and improved standard of living for the people of the United Kingdom. Among those major accomplishments has been economic stability as well as increased human development for …

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Why I’m Voting Conservative

As a young person whose political allegiances lie with the Conservatives I have received a lot of abuse. The most common accusations and comments I’ve received are usually along the lines of calling me rich and selfish. Personal insults have also been thrown, however, in my eyes these do not …

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We are not the sick man of Europe anymore. We are still a country to be reckoned with. Vote for independence.

Britain is no longer the sick man of Europe. You could be forgiven for thinking otherwise given the miserable, defeatist Remain rhetoric. It is the Eurozone that is sick. Sacrificed for the dream of a single European polity. France has erupted into riots and social upheaval over some very modest …

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George Osborne has disgraced his office and is no longer fit for the job

The stock market likes continuity and clear projections and in the aftermath of a Leave vote there will be a period of unavoidable uncertainty. This is why business come out for remain; they don’t like change that is beyond their control and they don’t want any kind of uncertainty no …

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The transfer of power and wealth from London to Brussels must stop

We at the Leave Alliance don’t like to spend too much time focusing on number crunching when it comes to building a case for leaving the EU. All of this pointless hot air about how each British family can “save £933” isn’t going to get us anywhere. The figures are …

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It’s time for us to hand the EU its redundancy notice

The idea behind a unified Europe under one government was first floated during World War One and it grew from there into a vision and an ideology. After several aborted attempts, the ideology finally began to be implemented in the 1950’s when it was firmly believed that the nation state …

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Europhile Myths Debunked

There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …

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Strong Nation Conservatism, Weak Nation Labour

Today, my case for why Labour makes the UK weaker was published in Conservative Home. You can read it by clicking on the previous hyperlink. However, I’d also like to remind people that while why side is truly awful, the other is doing a fantastic job. Here is a list …

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EU Proves once again it is the quintessential socialist organisation. Time to let them pay their own bills.

Recently, left wing leaders from Hollande in France, to Miliband in the UK, to Obama in the US have fancied the phrase “fair share”. “The rich must pay their fair share!” So we are told., over and over again…. Well recently the UK has become the “rich man” in the …

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The Good Professor Brings in Some Solid Truth

Explain to me where he is wrong please. He lists many points, I want to know where y’all think he mistaken specifically, not generally. By the way, he is a historian of the Conservative Party. Also, American economy in five years of left wing leadership is still in an economic …

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Optimism for my disheartened friends.

Worth reading Benedict Brogan’s article I mark under “Link”. I see so much cynicism, and much of it is justified. But Cameron is a man with a plan and hopefully his message of hope and optimism, combined with his actions on the economy, Europe and elsewhere can convince the UK …

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The Beeb Recognizing Texas!? What do y’all think?

While scrolling through the left wing “Politics UK” page on facebook I was very surprised that the usually conservative bashing BBC wrote an article talking about the top 10 reasons people are moving to Texas. & Surprisingly it was very accurate for the most part. The only obviously wrong part …

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