Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Angela Merkel

Macron, the Future of the European Union (EU) and why #Brexit is Irreversible

The election of Emmanuel Macron is the beginning of a rapid and major change in EU politics.  Macron is unashamedly enthusiastic about the EU as a political union.  The British broadcast media have suppressed almost any mention of this Eurozone political union so here is a summary for those readers …

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Oompah oompah …. Juncker

As Theresa May has finally triggered Article 50, Juncker and other key EU personnel have made their thoughts known. Are they worth listening to? He is quoted in various media outlets as saying: “Britain’s example will make everyone realise that it’s not worth leaving … On the contrary, the remaining …

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Why the Lords must be overturned

The House of Lords has sent back the Article 50 bill with two amendments. The first concerns the rights of EU citizens. The second was to give parliament a “meaningful say” in any deal that might be reached. The proposed amendments can be seen here. The first of those amendments …

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The front of the queue

One of the best bits from Tim Shipman’s book “All out War” is when he describes David Cameron’s attempt to negotiate some sort of deal with the other EU leaders. The account feels already like another country as if we could look back on those days from a perspective of …

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Weekly Terror Attacks Are Europe’s New Normal – For This, You Can Blame Angela Merkel And The Virtue Signallers

Terror is the new normal, and Europe’s progressive virtue-signallers must shoulder their share of the blame Douglas Murray has no time for a craven German government which prioritised the burnishing of its humanitarian credentials over the safety of its own citizens: The Thursday before last it was Nice.  But already …

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The Daily Globe #Brexit Manifesto

Winning the referendum was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’ve been fighting for Brexit for a long time and winning was one the grandest of satisfactions. I see fantastic opportunities for the post-Brexit United Kingdom. However, before those Brexit opportunities are realised we need to address the …

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We chose, we choose

This post is mainly aimed at the people of the UK and the leaders of EU countries. Firstly though, I have to say wow, just wow!  A referendum result that has made me very, very happy.  Even more happier than the result of the Scottish Independence Referendum.  Of course there …

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EU and Elephants

Don’t worry, this isn’t about circuses or zoos.  Though, before I move on, and given just as something that ‘tickled’ me. I came across a lovely Polish saying, on Twitter.  Not my circus, not my monkeys – so not my problem. Anyway, back to the European Union and Elephants.  Or …

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Europe Must Fight Back or Die. The UK must #Brexit

What do you think it will take for the elite that are running Europe into the ground, to wake-up and recognise the existential threat that they have allowed to grow, in their own countries?  How many in Paris?  How many in London?  How many in Brussels?  How many in Madrid? …

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Vote Out – even if you want to stay in!

We do not yet know what David Cameron’s negotiations with the European Union will bring.  We can though start to see the outline of a deal. And the word ‘deal’ is appropriate. One of, if not the main focal point has been Britain’s insistence on being able to withhold welfare …

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Professional politicians?

I sometimes wonder if it is an ‘age thing’.  Am I turning into a ‘grumpy old man’?  I will let others be the judge of that. I certainly am becoming less tolerant of the foolish behaviour of those that have been elected as our leaders.  I will give three recent examples …

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