Won’t you join our Common Cause?”
Said the spider to the fly,
It really is a winner, and the cost is not too high,
Well, Diane Abbot said so, but she hasn’t got a clue,
We want you in, my friends and I as we have plans for you.
We have a magic money tree to help us all the way,
But It will be the middle classes who really have to pay,
It’s the modern way of doing things to create a greater debt
Big business will be stumping up, but they don’t know it yet!
And if you think we’ll leave our Continental cousins far behind
That isn’t so, we plan to stay, that’s what we have in mind
We’ll cosy up to Juncker, Merkel and Macron
We’ll make a deal that suits them all, it just goes on and on
And as for the unions, we’ll just hand back control
Remember well the seventies and people on the dole?
The power cuts, the three day week, it could all return
But never mind, because the people never, ever learn.
No, they never learn!
Credit due to the unknown author of ‘”Won’t You Join Our Comment Market?” Said the Spider to the Fly’