Saturday , July 27 2024

Daily Globe

Inflation and the cost of living: A road to recovery

This article was first published here. Rocketing inflation has characterised the economic landscape around the world in recent years. A wide range of political and economic factors have sent prices soaring, and central bank interest rates have followed them. That had a significant effect on household budgets, as people struggled …

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The future is bright

Unilever is a mega-company selling a huge range of food items and other daily essential products through a wide variety of brands. From sauces, drinks, and pantry items to cleaning products and toiletries, Unilever has a very broad business model. It is based in the UK but active across many …

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Lessons in business strategy

This article was first published here. In today’s world, it is tempting for business owners and entrepreneurs to pursue growth at all costs. While growth is important, it is also crucial that those who want to run successful businesses are able to tell when they should invest more in their …

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Reform the WHO

This article was first published here. With little fanfare, global health elites narrowly missed passing into law a new treaty paving the way for more lockdowns, mask mandates and compulsory vaccinations. The “pandemic preparedness treaty,” written by the World Health Organization, was part of a prolonged effort to make international health policy …

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Nike and other brands become political

This article was first published here. We live in the age of the political consumer brand. More than ever before, big companies selling products like food and clothes see a need to each beyond profitmaking and find a purpose in politics. From racial tensions in the US to environmental issues …

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Veganism’s dark side

This article was first published here. Veganism is a phenomenon. Young people are going vegan en masse. The “plant-based movement” is taking hold across the West, while eco-socialist campaign groups such as Greenpeace and Peta are becoming bolder than ever in their insistence that anyone who eats meat or drinks …

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Woke brands’ chickens are coming home to roost

This article was first published here. Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s is perhaps the world’s most aggressively “woke” brand. By running campaigns on international geopolitics, immigration policy and culture war issues, Ben & Jerry’s has made a name for itself as a taboo-smasher willing to serve dessert with a …

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Bad actors are weaponising health misinformation in India

This article was first published here. In the post-Covid world, we are all more conscious than ever before about our health and the importance of accurate information on important medical matters. Unfortunately, though, that has not stopped a small number of bad actors from shamelessly weaponising health misinformation for selfish reasons, even …

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How we can stop deforestation faster

This article was first published here. Deforestation is a global political issue which has garnered the attention of world leaders in recent years. In November 2021, policymakers and business leaders from around the world met at COP26, the UN’s climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland. One of the top headlines to …

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UPF yoghurts are no cause for concern

[Re: Hunt should toss out nanny state concerns and tackle poor health] Dr Dolly van Tulleken warns of a mysterious new foe: ultra-processed foods (UFPs). According to Dr van Tulleken – and the wider health lobby, which has launched a concerted attack on UPFs in recent months – UPFs are …

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Labour declares war on Tony the Tiger and everyday food essentials

This article was first published here. The nanny state is back. Labour frontbencher Wes Streeting has launched an angry attack on food companies over so-called “ultra-processed foods”. Streeting, who is Keir Starmer’s shadow health secretary, has made clear his intention to introduce a raft of new anti-obesity measures in an …

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Millennials spend more money in cafes and takeaways than their parents

This article was first published here. The catering industry has had a tumultuous time over the past few years of trading. It has suffered under the weight of food inflation and the coronavirus lockdowns. Their younger customers are now turning out to be a lifeline, with new data showing that …

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When young people go vegan, the planet suffers

This piece was published here Going vegan is all the rage. I see it all the time. I’m in my early twenties and I have lost count of how many of my peers have switched to a so-called ‘plant-based’ lifestyle. Young liberals care deeply about the environment and want to …

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Veganism has a problem

This article was published here. A growing number of people are conscious of their impact on the planet and want to reduce it. Polling shows more people than ever before, especially among younger generations, are aware of their carbon footprint and harbour a desire to make a difference in their lifestyle choices …

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Quand l’écoblanchiment trompe les consommateurs

This article was first published here. Chaque année, le public se soucie davantage de l’environnement. Nous sommes de plus en plus conscients de l’impact que nous avons sur la planète, du changement climatique, de la pollution et de la manière dont nous dégradons la nature. Ce qui semble être une …

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La viande cultivée en laboratoire : un moyen de luttle contre les gaz à effet de serre

This article was published here. Les émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant de la production de viande sont un désastre pour l’environnement, car elles participent activement au changement climatique, mais les substituts de viande à base de plantes, comme le soja, sont parfois encore pires pour l’environnement. Pour …

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Don’t copy New Zealand’s prohibitionist blueprint

This article was published here. A month after Rishi Sunak announced the government’s smoking ban, its inclusion in the King’s Speech marks its first step towards becoming law. The government will propose a bill increasing the minimum smoking age by one year every year, so that as the next generation …

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Il est important que le gouvernement français résiste à l’envie de taxer les produits carnés pour lutter contre le changement climatique

This article was published here. Les écologistes souhaitent aujourd’hui que nous arrêtions de manger de la viande. En raison de l’inquiétude croissante suscitée par le changement climatique et de la volonté qui en découle de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour obtenir un bilan « zéro carbone », …

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Is the end in sight for food price increases?

This article was published here. In recent years, many have felt their wallets squeezed by skyrocketing food prices. The economic fallout from the Covid pandemic, the war in Ukraine and other factors combined to create very high levels of food inflation. But recent data suggests the trend is changing, with …

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Le véganisme protège-t-il l’environnement ?

This article was first published here. Quel est le véritable impact de ces nouveaux régimes alimentaires ? Pour sauver la planète du changement climatique, de nombreux défenseurs de l’environnement affirment que nous devrions devenir végétaliens. Ils attirent l’attention sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant de l’élevage de …

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