Saturday , July 27 2024

Adam Cornett

Adam is a Conservative concerning economic and social issues with a Libertarian streak on civil issues and foreign policy, the latter of which interests him most. From the town of Oldham and currently studying for his LL.B at Manchester Law School with ambitions of achieving a Reserve Commission. Has represented the Daily Globe on RT UK and is open to other inquiries.

The Blue Wall of the North

Conservatives with a gain of five seats in Greater Manchester now hold a third of the area’s constituencies. And so, another General Election over. The gridlock has broken, ‘dither and delay’ is now ‘advance and progress’, and the remnants of everything wrong with the last parliament are now confined to …

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Top five UK Prime Ministers

I’ve decided it’s been a while since I’ve done an article so I thought I’d put together the next in a series of top fives I began a while back with my article on British Monarchs. This time we’ll go for something much more political shall we and talk about …

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My top five English/UK Monarchs

All of my articles so far have been opinion pieces on current affairs; I hear on the news the latest political issue that people and politicians are getting worked up to legislate on and I decide to put my own opinions forward through this platform. What I haven’t really done …

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The future for the House of Lords

It’s been a while since I last put together an opinion piece because I’ve either not had the time or ability to think of something to put together. Nevertheless, I thought I’d try and put together at least one more because very soon Uni work is likely to start piling …

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Theresa May just blew her last chance

At last the long awaited cabinet reshuffle has been called and my word it was depressing. I kept an eye on the TV reporting live from Downing Street while I was in the Gym this morning hoping that a major rejuvination might boost me, but instead I watched the same …

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Let the market decide the BBC’s fate.

The British Broadcasting Corporation, or as I like to call it: the  Bias Broadcasting Corporation. For 95 years the BBC has kept itself in business on the backs of ordinary working people, claiming to be “impartial, free and fair”, but have proven to be quite the opposite. For years they’ve …

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The EU’s latest hypocrisy reaffirms my passion for #Brexit

One rule for some ey? The EU have taken the decision that the UK is no longer eligible to continue in the 2023 race to contest a city for the title of European Capital of Culture. The last time we won was nine years ago in 2008, when Liverpool earned …

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The British Monarchy: Unelected yet wholly Democratic!

I was inspired to write this article by the excellent milestone of HM the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh’s Platinum anniversary celebrated this week. Events like this thrill me and reignite my passion for this country and it’s traditions along with Royal weddings, Royal babies, State Openings, and the …

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The best candidates for the next Defence Secretary

It’s quite a surprise to be hearing about the Sir Michael Fallon’s resignation as Defence Secretary, personally over the past three years I’ve had nothing to complain about in terms of Fallon’s career in Government, only that he supported the Remain campaign and I’m a Brexiteer. However while this article …

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The Government’s Organ Conscription plan

Before I begin to discuss this topic I would like to emphasise that I am NOT against organ donation in ANY form, as a matter of fact I encourage it greatly. But let me explain why I will be opting out of this new Government scheme the first chance I …

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