Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Twitter

Twitter might as well ban Jesus Christ too

I had only vaguely heard of US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene before Twitter banned her. From what little I have read of her I disagree with what she has said about Covid, vaccines and many other issues. But I can only disagree with her if I am allowed to know …

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Cancelled for telling the truth

I have been on Twitter since March 2012. It is essential for my writing. Without Twitter and Facebook whatever I write would be read by almost no one. Think of the situation prior to the Internet. If you wanted to write you had to either work for a newspaper or …

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Social media giants are all biased. This is serious.

When the tech giants rose to power I had an uneasy feeling that this was the start of something dangerous.  What is to stop companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook from simply, automatically, suppressing political opinions that they detest?  What is to stop them from taking money to do this? …

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Middle Class Saviours Against Brexit: The Arrogant #FBPE Movement

Middle class #FBPE-ers of Britain unite! Talk to your Brexity, working class butchers, builders, plumbers, electricians and gardeners and educate them out of their superstitious dislike of the European Union There are few things more irritating than being called ignorant and closed-minded by a group of people who are themselves …

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The media needs to get a grip

Like Churchill, one of my absolute favourite things to do is to read the newspapers. I love staying informed on events and reading the best opinion writers. My adoration of analysing the news is what led my co-founder and I to start the Daily Globe. The purpose of this website, …

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Responding to post-referendum desperation from petulant ‘Remain’ voters

In case you weren’t aware, Britain voted to leave the European Union last week. Or at least I think it did. It’s been a tense, turbulent and tumultuous past few days, but to my great surprise, I’ve kept relatively sane. Immense jubilation was quickly clouded by threats and abuse, something …

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The lonesome expulsion of Scott Nelson from the UK Labour Party

Poor Scott Nelson (aka MockneyRebel) was unceremoniously booted from the UK Labour Party via Twitter of all things. He was accused of repeat anti-semitism, which does hold a bit of water, but the whole charade was played out on Twitter, much to the amusement of his critics. I have collected …

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The Mogg owns David Dimbleby over Eton quip

Jacob Rees-Mogg, whilst answering a question on Heathrow’s 3rd Runway, turned a quip from David Dimbleby straight back at him, in hilarious fashion. In fact, I’d go as far as saying The Mogg stole the show on BBC Question Time tonight, if the plaudits on Social Media were anything to …

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Conservatives should be the party of Facebook- not Twitter

A couple of months ago, I was persuaded by my friend to give up my Luddite tendencies and join the Twitterverse. I decided to join Twitter to promote my writings and have greater access to British politics than I was currently getting from Facebook, email and the web page browsing …

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The Importance of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press

One thing I love about Britain is the diversity of the opinion in the national newspapers. I may despise the Guardian but I always have the Telegraph. I was talking to my girlfriend’s father, a “alternative” newspaper owner (one that talks about restaurants and such, not really a newspaper or …

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