Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Trade

Great news: UK-EU Trade heading in the right direction.

Large economies like the EU Single Market all tend to produce goods and services near the financial centre of the economy or, in the case of very large countries, in two or three economic centres.  Having been produced centrally the goods are then sometimes finished locally or distributed from local …

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Its (Not) All About The Money: 2020 – UK & Commonwealth Vision Introduction

The Brexit debate has been monopolised by the focus on how the future EU-UK relationship will function, or not function, as the case may be. Despite the mass use of time and effort, not much has been fleshed out. As such, as we approach Brexit Day, we must examine the …

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Chequers’ champions would never support a similar deal with America

This post originally appeared on Conservative Home on 14 September 2018. It is March 2019 and the UK has finally reached a Brexit agreement! No, it is not with the EU – unfortunately those talks broke down over the issue of Northern Ireland’s lightly trafficked border. No, this deal is with the …

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Have economists and economics journalists sold out?

Those who follow economics now know that the economic “experts” were wrong about their predictions for the period between the Referendum and today.  This has scarcely been covered by broadcasters and this lack of coverage has left many Remain voters believing that an economic disaster is imminent.  The absence of any coverage …

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Turning gold into base metal

There was a period in British politics where we all more or less agreed with each other. Tony Blair was a somewhat more Left-wing Thatcherite, while David Cameron was a somewhat more Right-wing Blairite. The two main parties shouted loudly at each other, but this just hid their fundamental agreement …

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EU v UK – the balance of negotiating power

As the Article 50 starts to take shape, the question facing negotiators is who has the stronger position. The question has been addressed by select committees. Let’s take a practical look. At the same time that debate is in progress, sundry parliamentary select committees are hearing evidence from different sectors. …

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An Overview of the EU

Workers’ rights: The UK does not depend on the EU for workers rights. Trade Unions became legal in the UK in 1871; Modern Pensions began in 1908; Holiday Pay was introduced in 1938; Equal pay was introduced in 1970; Race Discrimination Act was introduced in 1965; Sex Discrimination act was …

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Cameron’s insult to Parliament, Britain, the EU and others

David Cameron yielded to pressure to face the Parliamentary Liaison Committee on the afternoon of 4th May. The committee Chair had previously written to express disappointment that he did not intend to face the committee. Proceedings can be seen here. Following his earlier admonition of the Leader of the opposition about …

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“That” Osborne document

Last week George Osborne took centre stage. He started with selective quotes from Emmanuel Macron the French economy minister. Macron told us on the Andrew Marr show that there would be a price for access to the Single European Market (SEM). Macron told us some other things too. Outside, Britain would “killed” …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 2: EFTA/EEA

This is Part II in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here II – EFTA+UK A relationship with the EU based on membership of EFTA and the EEA is referred to as the “Norway Option” because it forms the foundation of Norway’s European policy. …

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