Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: tax cuts

A Conservative Government for Low Earners

It has been a difficult decade for millions of people in this country. With the Coalition Government inheriting a budget deficit of £160 billion back in 2010, the country faced economic meltdown. In many parts of the media, the general narrative of the last 8 years has been one of …

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Cut taxes and increase capital investment to boost growth!

Cut corporate tax to 12.5% Slash income tax to 15% and 28% Fully transferable personal allowance £250bn investment over 10 years on infrastructure  Bank of England should adopt NGDP targeting The economy is in pretty good shape, ever since coming into office in 2010 the Tories have increased employment to …

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What we want to see from the May Conservative Government

When Theresa May became Prime Minister, most of the Daily Globe writers and I were not overjoyed. We wanted a Brexiteer as Prime Minister and we felt uneasy about May due to her lack of devotion to smaller government as Home Secretary.  However, in the little over a month she …

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Thoughts on the Summer Budget- A Proper Property Owning Democracy with a bit too much tinkering

There was a lot to take in after the Chancellor delivered the first Conservative-only budget in 19 years. Overall I think it was good budget but it could have been better. Therefore, I will list the most positive and most negative take-a-ways from the budget. Positive: 1. Getting people off …

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