As many as 750 thousand people marched on London Saturday to demand that the UK does not become independent of the EU. If they succeed in overturning the EU Referendum the pro-EU faction in the UK will be completely empowered. The path to the full integration of the UK with …
Read More »Lessons On Populism, From Bono
How to solve the “scourge” of European populism? CNN’s Fareed Zakaria makes a pilgrimage to Kiev, to consult with the geopolitical oracle known as Bono Every now and then you read an article so astonishingly un-self aware, so counterproductive, so open to attack and ridicule on multiple fronts that it …
Read More »Macron, the Future of the European Union (EU) and why #Brexit is Irreversible
The election of Emmanuel Macron is the beginning of a rapid and major change in EU politics. Macron is unashamedly enthusiastic about the EU as a political union. The British broadcast media have suppressed almost any mention of this Eurozone political union so here is a summary for those readers …
Read More »Article 50 brings us closer to making Churchill’s world vision a reality
Today is the day. Article 50 has been triggered, and in the words of Margaret Thatcher we should rejoice. It is good to reflect on how far we have been come and be thankful to the wisdom of the British people and those who crusaded for British independence. Though there …
Read More »Brexit will be a victory for intergovernmentalism over supranationalism
A lot is made of Winston Churchill’s 1946 speech in Zurich when he called for a united Europe. EU federalists claim him as one of their own and consider him a “founding father” but it is clear, as I discussed in a previous post, that the Churchill model of a …
Read More »The EU is not a democracy and it never will be
The European Union is not a democracy. In-fact, it is anti-democratic. It is founded upon an explicit intention to override popular democracy and neutralise the constraints imposed on government by the electorate. It has its roots in a utopian ideology that envisions a supranational government run by technocrats and officials …
Read More »President Obama backs Remain, but would the US accept a supranational government?
President Obama has urged the UK to remain in the EU, the institution forged from the “ashes of war”. Evocative references to the war made up a strong element of his article in The Telegraph and the “spilled blood” of American soldiers were justification for his interference in the debate. Citing …
Read More »It’s time for us to hand the EU its redundancy notice
The idea behind a unified Europe under one government was first floated during World War One and it grew from there into a vision and an ideology. After several aborted attempts, the ideology finally began to be implemented in the 1950’s when it was firmly believed that the nation state …
Read More »Europhile Myths Debunked
There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …
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