Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Sovereignty

‘X’ does not mark the spot

The current turmoil over Brexit seems to fit the textbook definition of a pyrrhic victory. No matter what side prevails, for all the gains made, the losses will be heavy. To some extent, all sides will have lost face. The government will have lost face with the majority of voters …

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National sovereignty

Let me ask you a question, dear reader, about sovereignty. “Why is it that a sovereign nation like Great Britain and Northern Ireland should find itself having to ask permission of an unelected political and economic entity such as the EU to leave her relationship with that body?” The question …

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The Catalan handkerchief

Spain isn’t greatly liked in Britain. This has been particularly noticeable in the past few weeks as the crisis in Catalonia has developed. Quite a few writers have indulged in the pleasures of Spain bashing and for a variety of reasons. Some Eurosceptic Brexiteers have sympathised with the Catalans and …

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Conservative Party Conference 2016: The Verdict

Overall, this year’s Conservative Party Conference was a success. It was so wonderful to see the Conservative Party finally be united in support of Brexit. Guido Fawkes said it right when he said Theresa May’s Brexit speech was the speech many of us have hoped for decades to hear a Prime …

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Sovereignty and democracy made (slightly) less complex

In our quest to follow and explore the arguments over the EU referendum, our attention turns to sovereignty and democracy. Can we unravel what they mean and more importantly, what they mean to us? These could be treated as different topics but it will hopefully become apparent in this piece …

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The infamous Edwina Currie reminds us of the lack of debate over UK Sovereignty in upcoming EU Referendum

Edwina Currie, famous for many things but formerly a Conservative MP until she lost her seat in 1997, sparked Twitter outrage today with a completely off-the-cuff remark about sovereignty. Many of us (with many valid reasons) feel Edwina Currie is as mad as a bag of spanners, but her voice …

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Actually, Brexit campaigners aren’t ‘Little Englanders’

Of all the the ridiculous names we eurosceptics (a misleading word; I’m not sceptic about anything) have been called leading up to this referendum, only one has really bothered me: the ‘Little Englanders’ jibe.  In the minds of our critics, our views are old-fashioned, antiquated and do not belong. We …

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