Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Social Media

Twitter might as well ban Jesus Christ too

I had only vaguely heard of US Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene before Twitter banned her. From what little I have read of her I disagree with what she has said about Covid, vaccines and many other issues. But I can only disagree with her if I am allowed to know …

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Cancelled for telling the truth

I have been on Twitter since March 2012. It is essential for my writing. Without Twitter and Facebook whatever I write would be read by almost no one. Think of the situation prior to the Internet. If you wanted to write you had to either work for a newspaper or …

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Daily Globe at the Weekend – The CANZUK podcast Episode 3

Isaac Anderson speaks with former British MEP, author and political advisor David Campbell Bannerman about Bombay, Brussels, Brexit and the future of Britain. Also, Daily Globe UK publisher Ted Yarbrough, author and Daily Globe contributor Brent Cameron, and UK based policy analyst Jeremy Hutton join the panel to discuss Freedom …

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Morality and Politics

The process of democracy evolved to allow those with different ideas of what is moral and right to co-exist in a society. The democratic process involves people freely expressing their opinions and then a vote being taken to decide which group of people should govern for a fixed period.  Political …

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UEL dot com

Brent H. Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of his 2005 book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available on Amazon worldwide – both in paperback and in Kindle e-book formats. I want to …

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The Banning of Trump is The Worst of Two Evils

Trump is banned from Twitter, permanently. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitch and virtually every other social media service followed suit and banned the sitting President. Even Trump’s email distribution service now refuses to facilitate his communications. When rumours emerged that Trump was set to migrate to Parler, a competitor to Twitter, …

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Social media giants are all biased. This is serious.

When the tech giants rose to power I had an uneasy feeling that this was the start of something dangerous.  What is to stop companies like Google, Twitter and Facebook from simply, automatically, suppressing political opinions that they detest?  What is to stop them from taking money to do this? …

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Are social changes damaging children’s mental health?

NHS figures show that almost a quarter of 17 to 19 year old girls in the UK suffer from emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression.   NHS Mental Health of Children 2017 These disorders are thought to be more the result of environmental influences rather than genetics. The frequency of …

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A “Simon Says” World

Brent H. Cameron is a Senior Advisor with Concierge Strategies, and a local councillor in Ontario, Canada. The second edition of his book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization” is available now on Amazon worldwide. He can be found on Twitter at @BrentHCameron Games and sport have …

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Scruton and the new Corporate Extremism

The debate about the views of Sir Roger Scruton has been framed in terms of “Left” versus “Right”.  Stand a little way back from the immediate debate and it is obvious that something else is going on.  What is happening is yet another media frenzy which has as its objective …

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Middle Class Saviours Against Brexit: The Arrogant #FBPE Movement

Middle class #FBPE-ers of Britain unite! Talk to your Brexity, working class butchers, builders, plumbers, electricians and gardeners and educate them out of their superstitious dislike of the European Union There are few things more irritating than being called ignorant and closed-minded by a group of people who are themselves …

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The media needs to get a grip

Like Churchill, one of my absolute favourite things to do is to read the newspapers. I love staying informed on events and reading the best opinion writers. My adoration of analysing the news is what led my co-founder and I to start the Daily Globe. The purpose of this website, …

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We must act as Guardians of Truth

In the mid-eighties, David Hare and Howard Brenton joined forces and co-wrote a play about a South African newspaper magnate whose sole and contrived aim was to gain control of Fleet Street and the associated media, sound familiar? The fictitious character of Lambert Le Roux was created and based upon …

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A #moggmentum Manifesto

Enthusiasm for Brexit among politicians in Westminster is a bit “low-energy” at the moment. Theresa May is soldiering on after a very underwhelming general election performance that saw her reduced to leading a minority government supported by the DUP. Fallen in strength in a remarkably short period, she is now …

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Short Attention Span Politics

We live in a world requiring constant affirmation that we are actually in it by way of pandering to our impulsive behaviour patterns and the need for change. Digital devices have become the primary source of the provision of change, of course, with very little reading or scholarship entering our …

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Facebook And The Fake News Monster

The mainstream media looks to Facebook and technology to solve the problem of “fake news”, while utterly ignoring their own starring role in driving readers into the arms of more disreputable news outlets Jeff Chiu has an interesting rumination in Newsweek on the way that Facebook tacitly encouraged the monster of …

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The Remain Campaign’s Last Stand

The Remain campaign is so used to loudly claiming the moral high ground and dismissing Brexiteers as backward, nasty reactionaries that even their “positive” closing message is unintentionally insulting toward half the country Well, that calmer, politer politics didn’t last very long, did it? On the first day of real campaigning …

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