With Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in late July 2019, fear of a “no deal” Brexit has markedly increased. “Project Fear” has been ramped back up, and with Theresa May’s Withdrawal Agreement supposedly dead, rhetoric about “crashing out” and a “no deal cliff edge” is now …
Read More »The Reality of the EU
Here is a guide for Remain voters so that they can answer the charge that they are focusing on vilifying UK Leave voters rather than supporting an exciting project for the future of the UK. On immigration they can point out that the EU now has a Return Directive so that those …
Read More »The case against George Osborne, Philip Hammond, and the Treasury
This paper considers whether George Osborne, Philip Hammond and senior Treasury officials should be prosecuted for Misconduct in a Public Office. Prior to the EU Referendum the HM Treasury issued a document called: HM Treasury analysis: the immediate economic impact of leaving the EU. This document was widely used by campaigners …
Read More »The Fight for Independence continues. What next?
A pro-EU Parliament is in the process of refusing to implement the EU Referendum result. It is two years and nine months since the Referendum and the best Parliament can offer is a further delay of almost two years. A delay of 5 years amounts to MPs putting up two …
Read More »The EU, not Brexit, drove Nissan’s decision to produce its new car in Japan
Predictably, Remainers blamed Brexit for Nissan’s decision not to produce its new X-Trail vehicle in its Sunderland plant: Nissan chooses Japan over UK to build new X-Trail car. But scrutinise this allegation just a little, and you’ll find that it doesn’t hold water. Given that Japan and EU has just concluded …
Read More »Integration by Stealth: How political union with the EU was achieved without consent
After the British electorate voted to leave the EU in June 2016, many people, particularly on the losing Remain side, searched for someone to blame. David Cameron was a favourite, as he was the one who allowed a vote on the issue. Various politicians on the leave side were also …
Read More »The Many Lies of the Remain Campaign
Many Remainers, still refusing to accept the democratic mandate to Leave the EU given in June 2016, claim that people only voted for Brexit because they were lied to, or because the Leave campaign misled the people. In doing so, they infer that in contrast the Remain campaign put out …
Read More »The wisdom of the “ordinary man”
How often do you hear the expression “it’s not rocket science”? A hundred years ago such an expression would have been assigned to the world of H.G.Wells and his War of the Worlds. Literally a war of this world was just coming to an end. Americans were not long from …
Read More »Remembering Remain Predictions for #Brexit
Remain economists predicted that a Leave vote in the referendum would produce an immediate meltdown of the UK economy. The meltdown was the expected result of voting Leave and the “uncertainty” this might cause. As George Osborne neatly summarized: The predictions were explicitly for the period from the Referendum to actual Brexit …
Read More »Remain’s arguments have been proven false
It is a year since the Referendum and the economic events etc. around Brexit are clearer. What Remain voters say:“Peace in Europe is due to the EU”Whether or not Peace in Europe was due to the EU we can now see it had nothing to do with whether the UK …
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