They joy of being a civil servant in Scotland has just increased. The Scottish Government is backing proposals to encourage eight thousand of them to take a pronoun pledge. Fortunately, this will not involve abstaining from alcohol as previous pledges once did, nor will it involve polishing wooden furniture. Rather …
Read More »Magna Carta & the English roots of Liberty
In today’s world where political correctness is being pushed ahead of conservative constitutional values and the pillars upon which our world has been built upon are thoroughly disregarded by those on the left, it is important to trace the genesis of the one thing we all wish to protect, liberty. …
Read More »The American disease. Part three (the grammar of marriage)
I remember treating what was sometimes called “political correctness” as a joke. I wonder now if the humour element was part of the strategy. It made us think that the issue wasn’t serious. We could be amused by the “looney left”, but all the time the Left were using our …
Read More »Rolling back postmodernism
Postmodernism and the “PC” movement have dominated the media for the past 35 years. This is a long run for a philosophical craze. The memes most associated with the postmodern world are that women, blacks and people with a different sexual orientation are the oppressed and that the oppression is …
Read More »Don’t be daft! Tolkein was not racist
Was Tolkien really racist? Cornel Zuegler, CC BY-SA Dimitra Fimi, University of Glasgow In demonising orcs, the ugly, monstrous enemy of the elves, did JRR Tolkien betray a belief that “some races are worse than others”? That’s the debate that has been at the heart of claims in the British …
Read More »Jobsworth
I almost feel sorry for Theresa May. Not so sorry that I don’t want her removed from office; to be honest she was a lacklustre and almost invisible Home Secretary and her slouch-shouldered, cringeworthy carriage does little to endear her to audiences. But she has done her job in a …
Read More »Exhausting the ‘far-right’ label
I am genuinely sick and tired of being called far-right. ‘Right-wing’ does not mean “everything that a leftie disagrees with”. I am genuinely sick and tired of being called far-right. I disagree with David Cameron, but I also disagree with a lot of lefties and left-wing policies, but that does …
Read More »The Pro-EU Artistic Bubble Goes From Pitiful To Sinister
European artists prepare to “act for democracy” by deploying their talents to subvert democracy in the service of European political union Having been spat out of the British educational system knowing virtually nothing of history, classical music came to serve as the primary window through which I discovered nearly everything …
Read More »Taking Offence to Common Sense
Political correctness has claimed innumerous victims (words, phrases and ideas) through its relentless quest for censorship. Such suppression of speech has primarily been perpetrated by the liberal lunatics of the modern era. Conjured by minority groups, fueled by the mainstream media and legislated by politicians, sensitivity culture has reached an …
Read More »Angry snowflakes: A brief history of “political correctness”
Where did this terminal cancer, which has weakened American society for over 10 years, come from? How did we get to the point where our 1st Amendment rights are literally being eroded out from beneath us? And why are we intelligent, average, sensible Americans allowing it to happen? Bill …
Read More »Our Scottish president
The left lost the economic battle when the Berlin wall came down. No-one after that could take socialism seriously as a way of running an economy. Given the chance people living in a socialist society will vote with their feet. Of course there are those who are either too young …
Read More »Hatred of Tories is prejudice
There’s something rotten at the heart of Scottish politics. We have our own parliament with extensive powers, including the ability to raise or lower taxes. This parliament may not be enough for some. It may be too much for others. But it is a reasonable compromise between Scottish independence and …
Read More »Doublethink is the new Black
Lately I’ve taken to reading the London Gazette. There’s not a lot in it to like, really. It’s not what you’d call a riveting read. You get a sense of what it’s like from how it describes itself. ‘A modern, efficient way to disseminate and record official, regulatory and legal …
Read More »Postal Voting is wide open to abuse, endangering UK democracy
Oldham West and Royton, with a (shock?) status quo result tonight, has re-ignited the debate over the validity of Postal Voting. Let me set you straight upfront, so we don’t have to do the normal dance on Twitter, where you hurl me all sorts of ‘Kipper-related insults. I am not …
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