Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Nigel Farage

Conservative moderation defeats the extremists

Conservatism above all else is about moderation. It is about conserving rather than overthrowing.  It is for this reason that Conservatives reject both the extremes of Left and Right and the extremism of nationalist and secession movements. The extremes of Left and Right are treated very differently in the media. There …

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Thank you for Brexit Day

The day is finally upon us. Today, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland leaves the millstone of the European Union and steps forward a free nation into the world. Today, history is made. Here at the Daily Globe, we could not be happier. As our readers know, …

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Independence at Last – Hooray!

Thank you!  Thanks to all those who kept the governance of this country in the hands of the people who live here.  We still have a home that we can call our own. Our independence is one of the most democratic and fair decisions ever made in the UK.  It …

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Theresa May used to tell us “Brexit means Brexit”. However, she never really told us what Brexit means. In truth Brexit is like a rainbow, a range of colours, opinions and viewpoints. If we can define a rainbow, can we define a Brexit? Can it ever be touched? On our …

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Brexit election

The general election has finally been called. Of course a general election should be about more general issues but will Brexit dominate the agenda? The early stages suggest that this will be the defining issue. Looking back at previous elections, 2015 provided a surprising Conservative majority. Many aspects may have …

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Boris Agonistes

I never expected to win the 2016 EU referendum, in fact I was quite certain Brexit would lose. I thought the best chance was long term, that in time the contradictions involved in the EU would cause it to collapse just like the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed in 1918. The EU …

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No, Trump and Farage are not Fascists

Throughout campaigning for the 2019 European Parliamentary elections, a protest movement against Farage’s Brexit Party got underway. Protest groups on the left started throwing milkshake to try to humiliate and protest against Brexit supporters. Farage himself was “milkshaked”, as was an elderly veteran working as a teller at a polling …

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On Theresa May’s resignation

Theresa May’s announced resignation is long overdue but welcome. One can feel sorry for her on a personal level, but this was a job she was not up for and that she made a complete mess of. Even in her resignation speech, her “accomplishments” consisted of failures (on Brexit), accomplishments …

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EU Election: The Unwanted 2nd Referendum

Hello again dear readers, I’d like to have been able to say that this is a pleasure. As a matter of fact, it is more of a patriotic, democratic burden which I feel must be performed. This is an election we should not be having to fight. It is a …

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Eyes on the Prize

The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. In 1992, I volunteered on the local campaign to seek ratification of the ‘Charlottetown Accord’ – a set of changes to the Canadian Constitution that were backed …

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I’d rather be a ‘stupid Brexiteer’ than a deluded Europhile

European and British media were startled this week at a press conference when Donald Tusk made the shocking remarks. When Tusk said that Brexiteers with no plan ‘have a special place in hell’, the room was not only shocked but even Irish Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, realised that Tusk’s remarks would …

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There are 4 possible outcomes from this Brexit chaos

The Brexit crisis hardly needs an introduction, and the past few days have demonstrated the utter nightmare that we are in. Theresa May published her draft Brexit agreement and it was immediately criticised from nearly all politicians and senior figures. The draft agreement does not fulfill the wishes of Brexiteers …

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Conservatives can’t forget about Liberty

Recently, the UK has received some unfavourable international publicity for anti-speech actions of government actors. Specifically, the government banned the young Canadian right-wing provocateur Lauren Southern from entering the country and a Scottish court convicted YouTube comedian Mark Meechan (aka “Count Dankalu”) of a hate-crime for posting a video of …

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The media needs to get a grip

Like Churchill, one of my absolute favourite things to do is to read the newspapers. I love staying informed on events and reading the best opinion writers. My adoration of analysing the news is what led my co-founder and I to start the Daily Globe. The purpose of this website, …

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What rival Leavers need to understand about Vote Leave’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure

I have in recent days found myself dealing with perpetual criticism of the Vote Leave campaign’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure during last year’s EU referendum campaign. Scores of Twitter followers and individuals I know in person have, it seems, converged on me, telling me that our figure was either …

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The 2016 EU Referendum: The Campaigns and The Aftermath

On June 23rd 2016 one of the most important political events, certainly in recent British political history, occurred when the best part of 34 million British citizens went to the polls to vote in a referendum. This was no ordinary referendum. It had been promised to the people of Great …

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Brexit was just the end of the beginning

The Brexit vote was about returning power to the British people. Remoaners can spin and cry and complain but polls confirm the British people understood what they were voting for: restoring sovereignty. It was a great victory for all of us who campaigned for Brexit and we here at the …

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