Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Nick Clegg

Nick Clegg, Theresa Hunt and Tobias Ellwood

The Brexit News for 24th June. Nick Clegg has hit the headlines as Facebook’s £1m a year, £7m package Vice President of Global Affairs.  His most important statement is that the Russians and Cambridge Analytica did not use Facebook to influence the EU Referendum in 2016.   We already knew this but perhaps …

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General election 2017 – winners and losers

Following a campaign that has been both turbulent and tranquil, the day is finally over. The voters can have had their say. This was an election that didn’t have to happen. The Fixed Term Parliament Act provided for a date in 2020, a year that could have provided perfect retrospective …

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Defenders Of The Nation State Are Not The Authoritarians Here – That Would Be The Unrepentant Globalists

One does not need to be a snarling authoritarian to reject the anti nation state, globalist worldview – and if being wary about the survival of our rights and liberties in a post-patriotic world makes one a populist then so be it During his recent Intelligence Squared debate/discussion with Nick …

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Actually, Brexit campaigners aren’t ‘Little Englanders’

Of all the the ridiculous names we eurosceptics (a misleading word; I’m not sceptic about anything) have been called leading up to this referendum, only one has really bothered me: the ‘Little Englanders’ jibe.  In the minds of our critics, our views are old-fashioned, antiquated and do not belong. We …

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The Union is Saved! Now, let’s constitutionally tinker correctly.

Absolutely wonderful result last night. The Scottish people rejected the false “pie in the sky” Socialist Utopian promises of the SNP and did it by a better than expected 10 point margin. Very good result indeed. Writing in the Daily Telegraph with his usual eloquence, Daniel Hannan, perfectly expresses how …

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My Take on the European & Local Election Results

Well, to my UKIP friends, as expected y’all had a great week last week. You won the European elections with 27% of the vote (to the Liebours 25% and the Tories 24%) and even were able to garner a pretty impressive local election performance winning 17% of the vote and …

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Ain’t nothing but a Non-Offensive, Safe, Squishy, Politically Correct, Non-Gangsta Party

Picture perfect, I paint a perfect picture of the Liberal Democrats…..and what does it look like? Well with the Liberals one never really does know do they? They are the left in Tory areas, the right in Labour areas. Traditionally the “protest vote”. the Liberals are in government for the …

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