In the past few years there has been a great deal of coverage of the “culture wars”. This is nonsense because all the participants share a broadly similar culture. There is no culture war but there is a new, gaping, political divide. The political divide is due to the fall …
Read More »Is the political battle now the Nation vs the Media?
Objective measures show that the UK is very much less racist than either the USA or EU. Yet the UK Media ignored this and elided the US Black Lives Matter protests into UK politics. It is 200 years since the UK abolished slavery but only 100 years since the Jim …
Read More »Caster Semenya, Cambridge Slavery and the BBC
Three sports judges at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland have just pronounced that the South African athlete, Caster Semenya will need to take testosterone suppressants if she is to compete in women’s sport. The judges noted that women’s sport was discriminatory but this was “necessary, reasonable and proportionate” for …
Read More »A Critical Theory of the Right
Critical Theory is the domain of the Marxist Left, or at least, it has been for the past eighty years. Horkheimer, writing in 1937, characterised Critical Theory as a contrasting academic approach to Traditional Theory: the latter sought only to understand or explain the societal interactions, composition, customs, laws and …
Read More »The Church of Socialism
Religion: [noun]: “Belief in or acknowledgement of some superhuman power or powers which is typically manifested in obedience, reverence, and worship; such a belief as part of a system defining a code of living, esp. as a means of achieving spiritual or material improvement.” – Oxford English Dictionary Earlier this …
Read More »An Open Letter to the Conservatives- Hold your nerve and enact Conservative policies.
Dear Conservatives: I am getting increasingly concerned at the ideas and suggestions coming out of Philip Hammond’s Treasury not least of which is the very un- Conservative idea of increasing taxes to fund the cessation of so called austerity. Conservatives don’t increase taxes, they reduce them. Historically that is our …
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