Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: London

Tackling public transport issues in London

Most people agree that London public transport is overcrowded and expensive. To tackle these two problems requires a two-pronged strategy, one on capacity, and one on costs. 1) Tube capacity The conventional method of tackling capacity would be to increase the length of the trains and to increase the frequency …

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Labour must be punished

The recent scandals of Labour’s antisemitism and the crime epidemic in London are further proof, if any is needed, that Labour are a party that are not fit to govern the United Kingdom. Labour has been taken over by vicious socialists who care only for ideological purity and not about …

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Self Defence?

In the first part of this articles, Rolling With Blades, we identified the violent crime & assault situation in many of our cities, focusing on knife crime. Chief among the reasons for knife crime is that ordinary, and otherwise, law-abiding citizens feel the need to carry knives for self-defence. As …

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Rolling With Blades

On January the 1st, the headlines on BBC news reported that 4 people were stabbed on New Years Day. With this grim statistic, the annual crime records were reset and the slow degeneration of London and a number of other UK cities continued. The Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police, Cressida …

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I wake up once more to find that there has been a terrorist attack in Britain. It’s the second in a few days. Is it the third or the fourth this year? How many such attacks have taken place in Europe in the past two or three years? I’ve lost …

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A Third Runway At Heathrow Or Fixing Potholes In Roads? We Need To Be Bigger Than This In The Age Of Brexit

It is Westminster politicians and journalists, not Brexiteers, who have been short sighted and parochial The Telegraph’s James Kirkup poses an interesting question about the expansion of Heathrow Airport and other national political priorities in the post-Brexit world: Almost 70 per cent of commuting is done by car so roads …

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Responding to post-referendum desperation from petulant ‘Remain’ voters

In case you weren’t aware, Britain voted to leave the European Union last week. Or at least I think it did. It’s been a tense, turbulent and tumultuous past few days, but to my great surprise, I’ve kept relatively sane. Immense jubilation was quickly clouded by threats and abuse, something …

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The Daily Globe #Brexit Manifesto

Winning the referendum was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I’ve been fighting for Brexit for a long time and winning was one the grandest of satisfactions. I see fantastic opportunities for the post-Brexit United Kingdom. However, before those Brexit opportunities are realised we need to address the …

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Another view on the IFS report

A further report of doom and gloom after Brexit has been released, this time from the institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS), claiming the Brexit would bring two more years of austerity. Is the body of evidence from independent analysts really increasing? The IFS is a charity, based in London specialising …

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London should #BackZac Goldsmith for its next principled Conservative mayor.

Principled politicians are often hard to come by. Luckily for the nation’s capitol city however, they have been blessed with a remarkable principled mayor for eight years in Boris Johnson, and have the opportunity to choose another principled man to be mayor, Zac Goldsmith. Zac Goldsmith is someone who does …

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The Next Lion: Boris Johnson

“For several decades now it has been fashionable to say that those so-called great men and women are just ephiphenomena, meretricious bubbles on the vast tides of social history. Well, I think the story of Winston Churchill is a pretty withering retort to all that malarkey. He and he alone …

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The transfer of power and wealth from London to Brussels must stop

We at the Leave Alliance don’t like to spend too much time focusing on number crunching when it comes to building a case for leaving the EU. All of this pointless hot air about how each British family can “save £933” isn’t going to get us anywhere. The figures are …

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Wine One o One: Julien Thomas

Julien Thomas is quite the bon vivant, but he can’t help it. He’s French. He spent a year pouring wine at Cafe Boulud NY, and now he’s gracing London with his charm and wit at Bar Boulud in The Mandarin Oriental in Hyde Park. Like the other JT we all …

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White Truffles

While taking a stroll through Central Park the other day the colours of the leaves were magnificent. Autumn has arrived! One of the world’s most rare ingredients has arrived too; the white truffle. These are not the black truffles of Burgundy, France seen on menus all over the world.  The …

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