Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: law

Let’s Celebrate St. George’s Day and be proud of our English identity

The time has come to reforge what it means to be English and celebrate our long island story. Those of us who are truly good citizens of England understand that our ethnic and nationality identity has been under constant attack. To many on the Left, Englishness is a source of …

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Parliamentary scrutiny and the Supreme Court

The principle of the tripartite separation of powers puts forward three branches of government: 1) the judiciary, 2) the legislature, 3) the executive. The judiciary exercises the law, and binds the executive to prevent it from breaking law. The legislature creates law, but is bound by the agenda set by …

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Lee v. Ashers Baking Company, A Victory Against Compelled Speech

Today saw a victory against compelled speech and authoritarian government, but fewer and fewer voices on the Left are in the mood to celebrate The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom handed down a decision in Lee v Ashers Baking Company Ltd, the UK’s equivalent of the Masterpiece Cakeshop case in the United …

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Why The Government Is Wrong To Have Blocked The Lexden Bill To Put Right An Injustice That Discriminates Against Siblings Caring For One Another.

My Lords, it is a great pleasure to support the noble Lord, Lord Lexden, and his Bill to amend the Civil Partnership Act 2004 as it relates to sibling couples. Along with other Members of your Lordships’ House, the noble Lord has vigorously pursued this issue and I hope that …

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We must learn to be British again

Something happened to Britain in the past fifty years or so. We were famous for not making a fuss no matter what happened and we were famous for not showing emotion. When Lord Uxbridge had his leg shot off at Waterloo, he is said to have remarked casually to the …

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On The Article 50 Ruling- Everybody calm down

So as was always a possibility, the High Court has ruled that the government does not have the authority to initiate Britain’s secession from the EU by invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty without first winning a vote in Parliament. From the Guardian: Parliament alone has the power to …

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Let Sunshine Win the Day: #VoteLeave

Two weeks from today the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland could be discovering herself a truly free and independent nation. Recent polling shows victory to be more than within grasp. How we will win though? What can we do to push Leave over the top? Very simple- …

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