Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Journalism

What Journalists should know about Brexit

If, as a journalist or news editor, you know about the facts below but have never reported them you should seriously consider your ethics. John Major, the man who threatened to see the Government in court if it prorogued Parliament did this himself in 1997 – see The Sleaze Report. Yes …

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Attacks on Journalists

The below speech was made by the author in the House of Lords on 14 May 2019  Central to any debate looking at press freedom and the harassment of journalists is Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; …

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Faith, Doubt and Brexit

A warning about the disturbing fundamentalism of Continuity Remain and the anti-Brexit crusaders In the course of arguing on Twitter this evening, I received back the following piece of friendly psychological analysis from a longtime follower and antagonist. The text reads: “You are almost always wrong, as if you’re from another …

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I’m Sorry, Is Brexit Boring You?

Laughing at Britain’s Brexit woes might be justified if other countries were successfully tackling the pre-eminent problem of the early 21st century — reconciling meaningful democracy and self-determination with the imperative for global regulation and governance. But since no-one else has bothered to pick up the torch of destiny, maybe it’s …

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Review: The People vs Democracy

“The People vs Democracy” goes further than many other books which claim to “explain” Brexit and the election of Donald Trump, showing that it takes both sides – outraged establishment centrists as well as populist insurgents – to successfully undermine liberal democracy. Political renewal depends on the former group finally …

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The Age Of Perpetual Crisis

When every single issue is falsely portrayed as a burning crisis, none of our national challenges will receive the considered attention they deserve “We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die.”  ― …

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Oh, So Now You’re A Liberal?

The vote for Brexit and Donald Trump’s presidential election victory seems to have wrongly convinced an entire army of snarling, leftist authoritarians that they are actually the virtuous defenders of liberalism Is anybody else getting mighty sick of the constant parade of left-wing, Big Government-supporting authoritarians suddenly rushing to cloak …

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The Inhabitants Of UKIP Country Are Our Friends And Compatriots, Not Members Of A Racist Freak Show

How is the fact that most Ukippers and Brexiteers are ordinary, decent people and not rabid skinhead racists such surprising news that it merits an article in The Spectator? The metro-left have their fixed views of Brexiteers and Ukippers – basically ghastly, uncultured people with a blinkered, nationalistic worldview bordering on …

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