Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Israel

Cancelled for telling the truth

I have been on Twitter since March 2012. It is essential for my writing. Without Twitter and Facebook whatever I write would be read by almost no one. Think of the situation prior to the Internet. If you wanted to write you had to either work for a newspaper or …

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Why do they only demonstrate when Jews are at war?

What are the deadliest wars of the 21st Century? 1 The Syrian Civil War             2011-Present         535,000 deaths 2 War on Terror (including       2001-Present         493,500 deaths Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan) 3 War in Darfur                        2003-Present         286,827 deaths 4 Yemeni Civil War                  2014–Present        233,000+ deaths 5 Mexican Drug War                2006-Present         106,800 deaths By contrast the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1948 has killed only 116,000 …

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Has Israel turned into a ‘Medical Dictatorship’? This new political party says so

Israel’s Green Passport system, where Israeli citizens must show that they have received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine or that they have recovered from COVID-19 in order to gain admission to restaurants, gyms, pools, hotels, synagogues and other public buildings, is creating a system of “medical apartheid.” That’s the …

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Puttin’ on the black shirt

Until relatively recently I thought that antisemitism was more or less dead in Britain. Popular fiction from before 1939 regularly contains the sort of casual unpleasant remarks about Jewish people that are rarely heard in public nowadays. Oswald Mosley and his Fascist thugs lost the Battle of Cable Street because …

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Until We Have Built Jerusalem…

On the 21st, the UN General Assembly decided to demand Trump move the US embassy out of Jerusalem and back to Tel Aviv. In a lack of solidarity, the UK decided to go against its key partner in the ‘Special Relationship’ and its self-proclaimed key partner and ally in the …

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The Globe on the Weekends #Podcast- 2017 in Review

This is the Globe at the weekend podcast featuring Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson. The podcast summarised 2017 focusing on Brexit, British politics,  Donald Trump’s Jerusalem decision,  and concluded with a progress report on the CRCC- the Commonwealth, Realms & CANZUK campaign. We hope readers enjoy the podcast. You can …

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Tom’s Daily News & Comment- November 10 and 11

News review November 11 Football punishment The English Football Association has fined West Ham and Chelsea, £40,000 and £50,000 for ‘failing to control their players’ during their recent encounter.Seriously?  These amounts are utterly meaningless to clubs of their size.  Also, there is no punishment for the causers of the loss …

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