A warning about the disturbing fundamentalism of Continuity Remain and the anti-Brexit crusaders In the course of arguing on Twitter this evening, I received back the following piece of friendly psychological analysis from a longtime follower and antagonist. The text reads: “You are almost always wrong, as if you’re from another …
Read More »Integration versus disintegration in international relations
In order to understand the issues involved when political parties seek independence it is necessary to look at the topic in terms of its fundamentals. This involves looking at two processes. One is the process by which countries or parts of countries integrate. The other is the way in which …
Read More »A Crisis Of Identity: When Global Elites Forget How To Be Patriotic
The global, liberal elite are increasingly transcending any lingering commitment to patriotism and national identity, setting them on a collision course with the small-c conservative majority Michael Lind has an unmissable essay in the National Review this week, entitled “The Open-Borders ‘Liberaltarianism’ of the New Urban Elite“, which manages to explain …
Read More »Why I am Voting Leave
I, for one, am somewhat relieved that two campaigns of immense hyperbole have come to an end. From day one, exaggerations, ignorance and even blatant lies have too often been the only things reigning victorious in the lengthy British referendum on EU membership. However, due to it being my last …
Read More »A United Kingdom constrained only by itself
Why do people choose to support leaving the EU? Why are others keen to remain? It might be that over the years we’ve all been weighing up the pros and cons. But I suspect this isn’t how most people reason. Rather someone who already supports remaining in the EU looks …
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