Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Immigration policy

Only the terrorist is guilty

Whenever there is a terrorist attack in somewhere like Israel, we are told by the BBC that it carried out by militants. It gives the impression that the far left from the 1980s stopped handing out newspapers to blow himself up. Only when a terrorist attack happens here in Britain …

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Afghanistan keep out

The Afghans succeed in destroying the British Army which invaded in 1839 and causing the British Empire no end of trouble until we decided to finally leave it alone. They succeeded in defeating the Soviet Union after the invasion of 1979 and have now defeated the coalition led by the …

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Britain must be firm but fair about migration

There has been quite a lot of attention recently to people crossing the Channel in dinghies, but the story needs to be put in perspective. In 2019 612,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) while 385,000 left the UK (emigration). There were 34,000 asylum applications. So far this year about …

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Immigration, Net Migration in the UK and Points Based System

The Government has just announced a new points based immigration system where 70 points are needed to migrate to the UK (10 points for speaking English, 20 points for having a job offer etc).  10,000 places will be allocated to seasonal workers. Sky News had this neat summary: Sky has …

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The UK’s New Secure Border and What it Means for CANZUK

Trade and Free Immigration Agreements Around the world most geopolitical partnerships are regional because at times of peace, those in close-proximity are usually the most culturally and hence politically aligned. In order to move politically forward the political differences between the neighbouring countries needs to be addressed so that they …

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Britain’s Post-Brexit Meritocracy

The 2017 general election showed that many young people are rejecting Conservativism and even capitalism itself. If we are to build a more socially mobile post-Brexit society we need to ensure that Margaret Thatcher’s popular capitalism can prevail once more. Employment and wage prospects can be significantly improved for the …

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Three Cheers for Sajid Javid!

The Daily Globe sends its warmest congratulations to Sajid Javid on becoming Home Secretary. Unlike so many of the Prime Minister’s cabinet appointees who are uninspired May loyalists, Mr. Javid is an excellent choice to hold one of the great offices of State. Originally from a modest Pakistani immigrant background, …

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It’s a case of reality over ideology when talking about UK grooming gangs

Over the past week, there has been another grooming gang scandal in Telford where it’s estimated over 1,000 underaged girls were groomed. The Telford child grooming scandal is very similar to the child grooming scandals that occurred in Rotherham, Rochdale and Newcastle. When reading about these kinds of child grooming scandals, …

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What immigration reform should look like post-Brexit

In the EU referendum of 2016, the pro-EU metropolitan liberal elite ran a campaign scaremongering about what might happen to the economy if we voted to leave the European Union. Since the referendum, all of Remains doom and gloom predictions about us returning to the stone age if we voted …

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What would happen if #Brexit was abandoned

Many of those who voted Remain in the EU Referendum are campaigning to overturn Brexit.   Suppose the UK abandoned Brexit, what would happen then? Read on to discover how strong the UK would become within the EU and what would happen over the decade or two after abandoning Brexit. Click …

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Introducing Our Petition

Our Petition is now uploaded and live on‘s website, and are looking for supporters to sign it. We propose the government: Recognises the importance of the Commonwealth & Commonwealth Advantage Post-Brexit Releases further information on the government’s leaked ‘Special Passport Area’ Allows for regulated free movement of citizens between the …

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How Donald Trump could limit migration more fairly

Most people in modern Britain have little or no experience of visas. Either we don’t need a visa or else it’s straightforward to obtain one by spending a few minutes on a computer.  Most people don’t want to go to the places, like Russia or China, which require visas you …

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Brexit has not made Britain a more intolerant country

The choice of the UK electorate to choose to leave the EU has come as a shock, not only to those who voted to remain, but also to those who voted to leave. I think perhaps it is for this reason that a large number of Remain supporters have been …

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Remaining in the EU is the greatest danger of all

If I was asked to pick one thing about the EU that I like it would be the fact that it allows me to live and work anywhere in the EU without too much difficulty. But like all rights it has to be reciprocal. British people cannot reasonably expect to …

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A United Kingdom constrained only by itself

Why do people choose to support leaving the EU? Why are others keen to remain? It might be that over the years we’ve all been weighing up the pros and cons. But I suspect this isn’t how most people reason. Rather someone who already supports remaining in the EU looks …

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Should I stay or should I go now?

I began writing about Scottish politics as soon as it became clear that there was going to be a referendum on independence. This issue mattered to me in a way no other issue in politics ever had. I began writing even when the referendum was a long way off and …

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All men are not brothers

When the United States declared independence they stated that they found it self-evident that “all men are created equal”. Likewise during the European Union anthem it is sung that “Alle Menschen werden Brüder” [All men will become brothers]. I think most of us find these to be fine ideals. Few …

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Why I value being British

When I decided to move back to Britain I had to make sure my husband could come too. If he could not have come, I would have stayed in Russia. Now some years later it may finally be possible for him to obtain a British passport. It seems such a …

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