Joyous tears, sleepless nights and a fair few units of alcohol later, the result of Britain’s EU referendum has finally sunk in. In truth, I feel pretty numb. I played a part (however modest the role) in changing the course of British and European history, in salvaging our plundered democracy …
Read More »Hilary Benn shows true leadership quality with Syria Airstrikes speech
Hilary Benn, Shadow Foreign Secretary in Jeremy Corbyn’s troubled Labour Party made the speech of his life tonight in the House of Commons. He may well have went against the wishes of his leader, but Hilary earned a lot of respect from both sides of the house. The debate over …
Read More »Labour is Being Poisoned by the Far Left’s Arrogance
It has ceased to be amusing. In the seemingly endless joke, for which the Labour Party performs the roles of both protagonist and antagonist, the humour has dissipated and the desire to ‘see the funny side’ grown stale. Where there were once mirth-filled jabs about Trots and Stalinists, and jocular …
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