Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Gordon Brown

Federalism plus nationalism equals secession

The United Kingdom almost uniquely in the world is threatened by secession. Some people such as Nick Timothy and Gordon Brown have proposed federalism as a solution. But in order to understand a solution it is first necessary to understand the problem. Northern Ireland is threatened with secession, which some …

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The Scottish establishment is wrong about Brexit and Boris

There is a conventional wisdom in Scotland about politics that everyone agrees on. It doesn’t much matter which party the Scottish establishment support, they still hold the same assumptions. The problem is that this same Scottish establishment has been wrong about everything ever since they came up with the idea …

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Weep not for the Blairites

For the first time in ages, Brexit is not dominating the news. Rather, a possible change in political alliances is breaking with the departure of the 7 Blairite MPs from the Labour party under the banner of “The Independent Group”. It is certainly possible that more Blairite MPs, such as …

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A new Act of Union

Every now and again someone in Scottish politics pops up and mentions the word federalism. This has become even more frequent since the EU referendum. Apparently the fact that Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to Remain in the EU, while England and Wales voted to Leave has caused a problem …

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US Bank Behind EU Membership Referendum

In the recent past we have heard that Brexit will cause:  Sterling to crash by 20% (1),  Banks to move to EU (2),  Banks on both sides of Atlantic to be struck down by uncertainty (3), London to lose its status as financial capital (4) etc. These were all rumours …

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Working Tax Credits – Resolve is needed

What a state we have come to.  The government, in furtherance of a manifesto promise is seeking to reduce, with the long term aim of eliminating, Working Tax Credits. These are effectively subsidies paid to workers, who are not paid sufficient by their employers.  They were invented by Gordon Brown.  …

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Two Suggestions for a One Nation United Kingdom- Gordon Brown and Rotating Parliament Sites

After the election, David Cameron said he wanted to lead a “One-Nation” government. As Charles Moore of the Telegraph pointed out, when Cameron uses Disraeli’s old mantra of “One-Nation” he is referring not to Macmillan’s brand of quasi-socialist Toryism but rather of the need to unify the British people. Right …

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