Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: General Election

Social Conservatism In Britain Isn’t Dead Yet

Ben Harris-Quinney, Chairman of the Bow Group The Orthodox Conservative Group had its launch last week, and by the rights I should be incandescent with rage and concern. The organisation will be in close competition with the Bow Group, Britain’s oldest conservative think which I run, but I cannot wait until …

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A vote for which party helps the Pro UK cause?

There is only one thing in politics I really care about. I have lived under Labour Government’s, Conservative Governments and Coalition Governments. These things matter in the short term. But in the long term they don’t really matter. What matters is our country. Compared to the threat of our country …

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Labour’s Cynical, Disingenuous National Debt Hysteria

Pot, meet kettle You’ve probably already seen them countless times over the course of this general election campaign – the smug, sanctimonious internet memes bandied about by Labour supporters and other left-wing activists excoriating the Conservatives for having presided over a massive increase in the national debt since taking office in …

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Will The Snap General Election Damage Trust In Politicians?

Does the prime minister’s decision to call a snap general election damage trust in politicians? No, but the actions of those MPs fighting a desperate rearguard attempt to overturn the referendum result and thwart Brexit certainly will The received wisdom among the punditocracy seems to be that Theresa May has …

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Responding to post-referendum desperation from petulant ‘Remain’ voters

In case you weren’t aware, Britain voted to leave the European Union last week. Or at least I think it did. It’s been a tense, turbulent and tumultuous past few days, but to my great surprise, I’ve kept relatively sane. Immense jubilation was quickly clouded by threats and abuse, something …

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UK Politics- 2015 in Review

2015 was a great and monumental year for British politics. My top ten biggest stories for the year are as follows: The Conservatives winning a majority at the general election. Lynton Crosby did a fantastic job at properly framing the stakes for the British people- that Ed Miliband-led Labour was weak …

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