Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: European History

Brexit – the True Story

The campaign to create a European Union began after WWI. After the war the Germans were weakened and facing a growing threat from the USSR (The Communist Russian Empire).  Count Coudenhove-Kalergi founded “Paneuropa” to lobby for a European Union to counter this Russian threat.  Paneuropa is still alive and well …

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Neither European nor a Union

The purpose of history is not to explain the past. It matters little what the Romans did or did not do. The purpose is to explain the present. The key date in European history is 1870. The key place is Ems. If you understand this you understand everything not so …

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In a lonely place

I was sleeping when we left the EU. It is a matter of complete indifference to me if a fifty pence coin turns up in my change marking the event. If something about being European trends on Twitter I feel slightly amused that some people might think that such things …

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Who are the Fascists?

How far are those who support the independence of the UK or those who support remaining in the EU like early Nazis? Who supported the Nazis?  In 1933 the Germans elected a coalition government with Hitler as Chancellor.  On page 3, right at the beginning of the first book that …

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Why don’t the English want to be in the EU?

Without the Scots and Northern Irish the vote for Independence in the EU Referendum would have been overwhelming: If there were to be a Second Referendum on EU Membership, so breaking the “once in a generation” rule on referendums, the Scottish and Northern Irish should be given Independence Referendums first …

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Brexit, the unmentioned disgrace

There is one aspect to Brexit that rarely, if at all, gets a mention amidst all the endless blather about deals and proposals and Chequers plans. More of that later as in this piece I don’t want it to disappear as just another piece of Brexit opinion for the Remain …

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The Poisoned Chalice

The loud voices of the Remain camp get louder and more shrill as the endless machinations of Brexit grind inexorably on with yet another chapter in Project Fear. It’s probably up to Mark 3 with the latest of food stockpiling and medicine shortages so we don’t get hungry or ill …

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The Christian Duty to Defend Democracy

Despite the attempts of every man-made ideology to persecute and annihilate it, Christianity has survived. From Nero and Diocletian to Hitler, Stalin and Mao; from Roman dictatorship to Nazi and Communist atheism; it has survived. Paradoxically, as Tertullian observed, persecution has proved to be the seed of the Church. Christianity, …

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Flagship Policies

A couple of weeks ago, I listened to an interview of Jacob Rees-Mogg by James Delingpole on YouTube. Mogg asked Delingpole who he felt the UK’s best Prime Ministers had been when Delingpole slighted career politicians. Upon responding with the standard Thatcher and Churchill, Mogg replied by asking ‘What about …

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And profanation of the dead

Once more we have a commemoration of a First World War Battle. We have reached 1917 and the so called “Battle of Passchendaele”. What we haven’t reached is any sort of understanding of what the battle was about, what happened and why. This is reflected even in the name of …

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A few reflections on an historic referendum result

Joyous tears, sleepless nights and a fair few units of alcohol later, the result of Britain’s EU referendum has finally sunk in. In truth, I feel pretty numb. I played a part (however modest the role) in changing the course of British and European history, in salvaging our plundered democracy …

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A United Kingdom constrained only by itself

Why do people choose to support leaving the EU? Why are others keen to remain? It might be that over the years we’ve all been weighing up the pros and cons. But I suspect this isn’t how most people reason. Rather someone who already supports remaining in the EU looks …

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