Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: EU superstate

Be Careful what you Wish For

It has been evident for some time that the EU Referendum could be overturned.  This is still not certain but possible. Things looked bleak from the very beginning because the government that was to negotiate Leaving had a Remain Prime Minister and a Remain Chancellor.  This was not surprising because …

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The Euro at 20: Still Destroying Prosperity

In 2019, the European Single Currency turns twenty. Prominent eurocrats have taken to Twitter to celebrate this milestone, simultaneously slapping those in the face who have suffered with stagnant economic growth since the Euro was introduced in 1999. The main problem with the Euro persists – it is a non-optimal …

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Resistance to Change

How often do we hear the expression ‘we’ve always done it that way?’ This is usually the response when a new idea, concept or methodology is introduced into our lives – our workplaces, our social lives, our marriages, our religions, our politics. It is presumed to be the ultimate put …

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The Handmaid’s Tale of the EU Dystopian Future

For those of you watching the second series of The Handmaid’s Tale it is probably a very harrowing watch on a Sunday evening. You see an elite abusing power at the expense of the people through centralised and very cruel control of the place called Gilead. There are aspects of …

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The EU after Brexit

What has Brexit done to the EU?  The answer is simple, it has accelerated the move towards EU political union where the EU operates as a single state.  This concept is fully supported by Merkel and the new, pro-EU French President, Macron.  The two leaders are in such agreement on …

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