Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: EEA

A Fair Trade Brexit

I was at a dinner party a couple of weeks ago, where I was asked how we could ensure Post-Brexit Free Trade Agreements could support developing countries, and not operate as a race to the bottom. I declared that Brexit was a golden opportunity to achieve this. The majority of …

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What rival Leavers need to understand about Vote Leave’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure

I have in recent days found myself dealing with perpetual criticism of the Vote Leave campaign’s use of the ‘£350m’ figure during last year’s EU referendum campaign. Scores of Twitter followers and individuals I know in person have, it seems, converged on me, telling me that our figure was either …

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Post-Brexit Britain: Defining ‘#Brexit’

One of the most used newish words in the world in 2016 was Brexit. But the difficulty is how one defines Brexit. It would seem to come in many different forms – the adjectives ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ might put one in mind of boiled eggs – as well as colours …

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Britain to leave the EU! Well done!

Today brings us the most wonderful news for 50 years as the British people  voted to leave the European Union.  The headline figure for the vote was 51.9% Leave versus 48.1% Remain, a 3.8% margin in favour of leaving. The reaction of pundits from the three main political parties to …

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Worried Remainers Are Now Desperately Attacking The Norway Option For A Reason

By openly slandering the EFTA/EEA “Norway Option” for achieving Brexit in the event of a Leave vote, the Remain campaign and their allies in the media show that they are terrified of this sensible approach The Guardian is, of course, desperate for Britain to remain in the European Union. The vast …

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Brexit is the key; Norway is the doorway

As the referendum debate heats up there are a thousand reasons and more being discussed regarding why we should leave the EU; but there is very little discussion amongst the general public as to how we leave the EU. Europhiles have been hugely successful in conflating EU membership with Single …

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Restoring Independent Policies: Environmental Policy

Read The Market Solution pamphlet in full More so than perhaps any other policy area, environment is an amalgam of international, EU and domestic measures, although new environmental legislation is still a shared competence. We might expect an independent policy to concentrate more on the national interest, although the Government’s …

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The key to victory: Defending the “Norway option”

“You can be like Norway […] and you can have full access to the single market but you have absolutely no say over the rules of that market”. In October 2014 there was a coordinated attack on the so-called “Norway option”, the model of leaving the EU which involves rejoining …

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The EU is moving towards its final destination, it’s time for us to depart and choose a different track

“If the British cannot support the trend to more integration in Europe, we can nevertheless remain friends, but on a different basis. I could imagine a form such as a European economic area or a free trade agreement.” – Jacques Delors in 2012 If an ideologically devoted European federalist like …

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We CAN have a new relationship with the EU based on trade & cooperation, but first we have to leave

How many superficial “eurosceptics” claim that they want to have a new relationship with the EU based on trade and cooperation, instead of political and judicial union? Many of these have claimed David Cameron’s fraudulent deal achieves this, which is a bad joke. Others are backing Remain claiming that a …

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A doomsday Brexit scenario would be terrible for Britain and the EU, which is why it won’t happen

My position on leaving the EU is clear, as is the way I believe we should go about it. The new relationship I propose we negotiate to facilitate our “soft landing” in a phased secession from political and judicial union with the EU is both realistic and pragmatic. Crucially, it …

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Norway only adopts 1 in 5 of all EU laws

Since the prime minister claimed back in October, during his concerted effort to smear EFTA/EEA countries, that Norway “accepts about three quarters of EU rules”, this untruth has become a commonly used argument from remain campaigners across social media. It is a favourite myth of remain politicians from all parties. …

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The EEA “emergency brake”

Amongst all the huffing and puffing of David Cameron trying and failing to get an “emergency brake” on free movement, and coming back with the possibility of minor restrictions on migrant welfare, it has not been reported or discussed that non-EU EEA states actually do have an emergency brake. What …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 4– Exerting influence in Europe and beyond

This is Part IV in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here The “no say” fallacy As part of the proposal to adopt a “market solution” for leaving the EU it is essential to discuss the extremely important and frequently over simplified issue of “influence”. …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU Part 2: EFTA/EEA

This is Part II in a series of V – to read the Market Solution proposal in full go here II – EFTA+UK A relationship with the EU based on membership of EFTA and the EEA is referred to as the “Norway Option” because it forms the foundation of Norway’s European policy. …

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The Market Solution for Leaving the EU- Part I: A Soft Landing

In seeking to achieve a Leave vote in the EU referendum there are two essential facts that campaigners need to understand and accept if they are to contribute to victory. First of all, that leaving the European Union is a process (a complex one at that) not an event. It …

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Europhile Myths Debunked

There are a number of central claims to the Remain campaign. They are easily dismantled with the right analysis and the proper arguments. “3.5 million British jobs are directly linked to British membership of the European Union– 1 in 10 British jobs.” It is dishonest to say jobs depend on …

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