Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: economic recovery

Boris’ obliteration of Labour continues

English local election results have continued right where General Election 2019 left off – namely, the Conservatives winning over the former Labour “red wall.” Councils that were once the safest of safe Labour areas are now Tory. Hartlepool, a constituency that has been controlled by Labour since its inception, now …

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The Euro at 20: Still Destroying Prosperity

In 2019, the European Single Currency turns twenty. Prominent eurocrats have taken to Twitter to celebrate this milestone, simultaneously slapping those in the face who have suffered with stagnant economic growth since the Euro was introduced in 1999. The main problem with the Euro persists – it is a non-optimal …

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Competence over Jealousy

Is it really such a bad thing to be a “1%er” and be a political leader? David Cameron has led a remarkable turnaround of the British economy: from most wrecked by the financial crisis to having the fastest growing economy in the G7 and record employment. Contrast that with France’s …

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Persistence is paying off for the Tories.

Growing up as a child in America, my father had framed on our wall a quote from US President Calvin Coolidge. The quote, one that has been one he has tried to live his life by, reads: “Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; …

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