Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: David Davis

Brexit – where next?

Theresa May has seen the biggest government defeat in British history. Her Withdrawal Agreement has been kicked into touch.  The grieve amendment means that she has to bring Plan B back to parliament next week. Where do we go from here?  It is worth reflecting for a moment how we …

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No Surrender!

Another day, another cave by Theresa May. Today, it appears that Theresa May is willing to keep the entire UK bound in perpetuity to the EU Customs Union.  It also appears the Prime Minister has plans to betray her allies in the DUP and Northern Ireland by having EU regulations …

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Globe at the Weekend #Podcast: Episode 16

This is the Globe at the weekend podcast featuring co-hosts Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson for 13 July 2018. The podcast Co-Hosts Ted Yarbrough and Isaac Anderson review the recent British political events in a frank, forthright, and fair manner. This weekend’s discussion focused on three main topics:. You can …

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The UK must get off of our knees

It has been some time since I blogged.  I have been somewhat distracted by Twitter and this has provided an outlet enabling responses to fast-moving events.  But… Twitter can’t be used to convey my current thoughts on the EU “negotiations” and the state of play in UK politics. Firstly, the EU “negotiations”.  I …

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The Case for No Deal

As the second round of negotiations comes to end, despite the outward facade of achievement, it is becoming increasingly clear that there a major differences between the UK and EU’s position over the Brexit deal. Whether or not the UK team, led by David Davis, is at all underprepared or …

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Brexit was just the end of the beginning

The Brexit vote was about returning power to the British people. Remoaners can spin and cry and complain but polls confirm the British people understood what they were voting for: restoring sovereignty. It was a great victory for all of us who campaigned for Brexit and we here at the …

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What we want to see from the May Conservative Government

When Theresa May became Prime Minister, most of the Daily Globe writers and I were not overjoyed. We wanted a Brexiteer as Prime Minister and we felt uneasy about May due to her lack of devotion to smaller government as Home Secretary.  However, in the little over a month she …

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May’s cabinet and In Tray

Prior to the coronation of Theresa May, as Britain’s new Prime Minister, I thought I would share a couple of comments and advice on her Cabinet appointments. Firstly, we can ignore the clamour from Labour and the Liberal Democrats for a snap General Election.  Labour’s call is perfunctory – they …

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Negotiating Brexit – the basics

Firstly, some health advice.  Everyone just calm down.  We have had a referendum. We, as the people of the United Kingdom, made a choice and we will live with it. Also, let’s be very clear.  The United Kingdom is still a full and functioning member of the European Union.  We …

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