Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Conviction Politics

Faith, Doubt and Brexit

A warning about the disturbing fundamentalism of Continuity Remain and the anti-Brexit crusaders In the course of arguing on Twitter this evening, I received back the following piece of friendly psychological analysis from a longtime follower and antagonist. The text reads: “You are almost always wrong, as if you’re from another …

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Conservative Renewal: A Glimmer Of Light In The Darkness At CPS

Faint signs of optimism for the future of British conservatism, and an opportunity to pitch Stepping Stones 2022 The other day, after hitting “publish” on another one of my increasingly repetitive blog posts pressing the case for positive renewal within the British conservative movement, a friend had this to say about me: …

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The Age Of Perpetual Crisis

When every single issue is falsely portrayed as a burning crisis, none of our national challenges will receive the considered attention they deserve “We would rather be ruined than changed We would rather die in our dread Than climb the cross of the moment And let our illusions die.”  ― …

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Lost for Words

What the PM said at the Party Conference is trying hard to be heard over what she didn’t, or couldn’t say. Regardless of whether or not the chancellor gives things away for free, or if Amber Rudd told the Foreign Secretary to applaud, it was still the PM’s speech. Or …

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Like, Why Can’t British Politicians Talk Fancy No More?

Great political speeches are only possible when there are great ideas to be expressed, and great leaders to express them After watching the semi-famous video of former Labour minister Peter Shore arguing passionately against Britain’s membership of the EEC during a 1970s Oxford Union debate, Mark Wallace of Conservative Home …

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Centrism Is The New Extremism

For many years, the most angry and bitter invective in our political discourse hailed from the far Left and Right. But now it is the supposedly rational and pragmatic centrists who are becoming unhinged and increasingly uncivilised. Like the stopped clock which still tells the correct time twice a day, …

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#GE 2017: Conservatives Cannot Give Up On The Youth Vote Part 2

Through their arrogance and sheer incompetence, the Tories have turned an entire generation away from conservative politics. But the solution is not to go marching off to the socialist Left It doesn’t have to be like this. It doesn’t have to be the case that people under 30 years of …

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Labour Centrists Bend The Knee To Jeremy Corbyn, Once Again

No courage, no backbone, no vision of their own Telegraph sketchwriter Michael Deacon reports on the rapturous reception given to Jeremy Corbyn by the Parliamentary Labour Party when he entered the Commons yesterday: Labour MPs cheered Jeremy Corbyn. Genuinely. They really did. And when I say Labour MPs, I don’t …

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