Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Centrism

Don’t Expect The Independent Group To Rescue Britain’s Broken Politics

Chuka Umunna? Former choirboy, but most definitely not the Messiah… In my limited spare time since commencing law school, I have been attending a wonderful Bible study group for graduate students, organized by the university’s Catholic Student Center. Having plodded our way methodically through the New Testament, last week we …

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Weep not for the Blairites

For the first time in ages, Brexit is not dominating the news. Rather, a possible change in political alliances is breaking with the departure of the 7 Blairite MPs from the Labour party under the banner of “The Independent Group”. It is certainly possible that more Blairite MPs, such as …

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Political Tribalism, Brexit And The Liberalist Insurgency

Many so-called liberals are great at diagnosing destructive political tribalism when it manifests in other people, but are often blind to the same pathologies within their own ranks I wrote a long piece earlier this month about deepening political tribalism as it relates to Brexit. After the piece was serialised in Country Squire Magazine, …

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Are Technocrats To Blame For The Rise Of The Know-Nothing Celebrity Politician?

When unelected technocrats increasingly set policy and carry out the day-to-day business of governance we should not be surprised that electoral politics, castrated and less consequential than ever before, is becoming a circus freak show Michael Brendan Dougherty has a new piece in the National Review which so succinctly captures the state …

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Centrism Is The New Extremism

For many years, the most angry and bitter invective in our political discourse hailed from the far Left and Right. But now it is the supposedly rational and pragmatic centrists who are becoming unhinged and increasingly uncivilised. Like the stopped clock which still tells the correct time twice a day, …

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Embracing ‘Compassionate Conservatism’ Will Not Make The Rootless Tories More Popular

Despite its complete and utter failure to deliver a solid electoral victory for the conservatives, or to meaningfully detoxify the Conservative Party’s “nasty party” image, the woolly, nebulous and thoroughly unhelpful concept of “compassionate conservatism” refuses to die. Following Theresa May’s abject failure in the 2017 general election – losing …

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Labour Centrists Bend The Knee To Jeremy Corbyn, Once Again

No courage, no backbone, no vision of their own Telegraph sketchwriter Michael Deacon reports on the rapturous reception given to Jeremy Corbyn by the Parliamentary Labour Party when he entered the Commons yesterday: Labour MPs cheered Jeremy Corbyn. Genuinely. They really did. And when I say Labour MPs, I don’t …

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What Became Of The Great British Progressive Majority? It Never Existed

Turns out that pooling their strength and holding hands beneath a big progressive rainbow will not help Britain’s left-wing parties get back into power after all. What a shame. Remember the Great British Progressive Majority, that overwhelmingly large (yet always infuriatingly hidden) bloc of centre-leftish voters who together wielded the …

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Stop Worshipping ‘Centrist’ Voters – They Are Responsible For Britain’s Woes

What exactly constitutes the political centre, anyway? Is it even a real thing? And why are we so in thrall to something so vague and ill-defined? The political centre ground: people talk about it all the time. It is meant to represent the silent majority, that great conclave of wise and …

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