Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: business

In Praise of Trade

My sister-in-law spent her working life selecting and selling dresses.  When I think about this my jaw drops.  How on earth do you select a dress that will outsell your competitors?  To make good money out of that for an entire working life is extraordinary.  Having succeeded at making a …

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Corporates Move to UK Post Brexit and Confirm they are Staying

Most reviews of the effect of Brexit on business locations describe all negative business events as due to Brexit.  There is an outstanding example of this bias in the September 2019 Metro article:  “All the companies that have collapsed or moved abroad since Brexit”. It is telling that the Metro …

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The Most Important Things to Know When Building a Website

So, have you finally decided to take the leap into the digital domain and build your own website from scratch? Perhaps you have come up with a novel marketing idea that might be able to accrue an appreciable side hustle. Either way, inspiration represents only a small percentage of your …

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Why I’m Voting Conservative

As a young person whose political allegiances lie with the Conservatives I have received a lot of abuse. The most common accusations and comments I’ve received are usually along the lines of calling me rich and selfish. Personal insults have also been thrown, however, in my eyes these do not …

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A policy for Brexit

Introduction Following the EU referendum on 23rd June 2016, the British people voted to leave the EU, i.e. NOT to be a member of the SEM. The government tell us that Brexit means Brexit, but not what Brexit means. This is an attempt to set out a negotiating position. Article …

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Networking for Newbies

I am not a networking professional. Talking to complete strangers is a challenge for me, and I’m not alone. Millennials and members of Generation Z often find it difficult to put themselves in potentially awkward situations, especially those in person. We seem to have an instinctual fear of being found …

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Do’s & don’ts of travel

Bleary eyed, I jetted to Washington D.C. on a 6:45 flight from Dallas’s Love Field airport. Although I may have been scraping sleep from my eyes, I noticed a few things as I made my way through the mobs of people ready to jet set early this morning.  I like …

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