The second edition of Brent H. Cameron’s book, “The Case for Commonwealth Free Trade: Options for a new globalization is available now on Amazon worldwide. Even those with a passing knowledge of Judeo Christian religious teachings are familiar with the story of Samson – his rise, his downfall, and the circumstances of …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain- The Every Vote Counts System
The Every Vote Counts system is simplicity itself. Voters go to the polls and vote for their candidate exactly as they do now. The MP is elected by winning the most number of votes in their constituency exactly as they do now. As far as the voter is concerned they …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain- Every Vote Counts – a new voting system part 1
We have seen that the winner of the Referendum was Westminster itself. The Bubble was strengthened and inflated with its own satisfaction at its victory. Parliament had gambled that the Scots would say No; gambled that the rest of the UK would simply assume that there was a mandate tucked …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain Chapter 5 Continued- Sacrifice
As so many brave men and women of our armed forces in Afghanistan and their families have found, sacrifice remains a very real part of British life. For too many, the inescapable inevitability of sacrifice comes as an unexpected shock when they first become a parent or when a family …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain- Chapter 5: A New Britain
In the wake of “Trojan Horse” scandals, where schools in Birmingham were accused of plots to run them on radical Islamic lines, Cameron’s government decided to define and educate our schoolchildren in British values – “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain Continued- When Britain gets it right
It is no mere point of academic interest to assess when it is right for Britain to go to war. In World War II, conscription had been re-introduced some months before war was declared. Not so in World War I. Volunteering for the army in World War I was a …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain- The New Poland and parallels with 1914 and 1939
A military crossing of a border uninvited, unauthorised by the UN, not in pre-emptive defence of an imminent attack is an invasion. It is illegal. The sanctity of internationally recognised borders is the most fundamental rule of international law. Putin did not stop with the Crimea. The significant Russian population …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain Chapter 4 Continued- Syria
The ambiguities inherent in a moral foreign policy became all too clear over Syria. Syria, the once-mighty military hard man of the Middle East, erupted into civil war in 2011. Syria was Russia’s only ally left in the region after the overthrow of many of the dictatorships by popular uprisings, …
Read More »Betrayal of Britain Continued- Is the future of Great Britain a matter for all the people of Great Britain?
Again, the country has never been asked. Is Great Britain any less a nation than Scotland, Wales or England? Does Great Britain not have a clear identity – clear enough to this writer at least as will be discussed later – with a long (300 years is a reasonable chunk …
Read More »Chapter 3 Continued- A legal referendum
Consultation A legal process was followed for the referendum. Legislation by the UK Parliament was necessary as the devolution legislation specifically denied the Scottish Parliament the power to decide on independence, amongst other things. These were the “reserved matters” (section 29 of the Scotland Act 1998). There was consultation. A …
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