Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Allister Heath

No Surrender!

Another day, another cave by Theresa May. Today, it appears that Theresa May is willing to keep the entire UK bound in perpetuity to the EU Customs Union.  It also appears the Prime Minister has plans to betray her allies in the DUP and Northern Ireland by having EU regulations …

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In laudem Jacob Rees-Mogg

Throughout history most politicians yearn to be liked, for the roar of the crowd, and for above all, power. Politicians have, to varying degrees, beliefs, but it is rare to find true statesmen or stateswomen. Today’s politics is, in many ways, similar to the late Roman Republic. The society is …

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Thoughts on the Summer Budget- A Proper Property Owning Democracy with a bit too much tinkering

There was a lot to take in after the Chancellor delivered the first Conservative-only budget in 19 years. Overall I think it was good budget but it could have been better. Therefore, I will list the most positive and most negative take-a-ways from the budget. Positive: 1. Getting people off …

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