Monday , February 17 2025

DIY dads save the pennies

Taking a trip to a home improvement store has proved to be a particularly popular pastime over the past few weeks.

Such is the assertion of Barclaycard Payment Acceptance, which reports that consumers have been taking advantage of discounts and sales by retailers over the past month.

Indeed, research from the firm indicates that spending on DIY and gardening in the four weeks leading up to the Easter weekend is some 18 per cent above the equivalent period of time in 2008.

Stewart Roberts, business development director for Barclaycard, states: “What we have seen this Easter is people spending their hard-earned money on the comforts of home.”

Carrying out home improvements over the past four weeks appears to have been a more popular task than going away on holiday, with spending on airlines down by some 25 per cent on an annual basis.

And it seems the whole family is getting in on the DIY act as it is reported that Dads’ do-it-yourself skills are saving their grown-up children a significant sum of money.

Research carried out by reveals that three-quarters of homeowners have called in their father for help with home improvement projects such as tiling, plumbing, wiring, gardening and painting – for free.

Overall, the average dad spends a total of 218 hours – the equivalent of 27 working days – each year doing DIY that their offspring cannot do themselves.

And while their home improvement skills may be costing them time, drafted-in dads are saving their children thousands of pounds.

Indeed, if a professional tradesman carried out the same work they would charge £2,413.

A spokesperson for the website states: “The research shows dads lead the way when it comes to DIY skills.”

Meanwhile, recent research from Yorkshire Bank revealed that 61 per cent of people are looking to carry out home improvements over the remainder of 2009, while just five per cent are aiming to move.

However, as the summer months rapidly approach, those looking to get to grips with DIY should do so with caution.

Such is the assertion of John Mowatt, community fire safety officer for Tayside Fire and Rescue, who points out that he often sees an increase in the number of calls received due to activities associated with home improvements around this time of the year.

As such, the fire service urges people to ensure that they are undertaking a home improvement that is within their level of expertise and that safety instructions on tools and building materials should be read and adhered to.

Furthermore, those using adhesives and flammable liquids should ventilate their home by keeping windows and doors open.

Mowatt says that while “DIY is a pleasant pastime from which many people gain a great deal of pleasure” by following such guidance accidents can hopefully be kept to a minimum.”


About Craig Wilson

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