Tuesday , February 18 2025

Was Jeremy Corbyn a traitor to the British People?

The Northern Ireland “troubles” began in the late 1960s and ended with the Good Friday “Belfast” Agreement of 1998. Primarily it consisted of a terrorist organisation, the IRA, attempting to overthrow democracy by the use of violence. It came to an end when the IRA were militarily defeated and forced to the negotiating table because of the resolution of Margaret Thatcher.  More than 3,500 people were killed in the conflict, of whom 52% were civilians, 32% were members of the British security forces, and 16% were members of paramilitary groups.

During the troubles Jeremy Corbyn was a Labour MP and he repeatedly gave succor to the terrorists. In fact the perception was that he was supporting them in their conflict against the British people. A full analysis of his involvement can be accessed by clicking this highlighted text. It looked very much like Corbyn was trying to achieve a united, socialist Ireland and was happy with the killings and the terrorism as a means to achieve it.

If Jeremy Corbyn is a traitor it raises a number of interesting questions.

  • What does that make people who vote for him?
  • Is he fit to be Prime Minister and to look after the interests of British people in the world?
  • How can he possibly be in control of the British Army?

Then, as now, Corbyn’s actions horrified many on the left:

And even today Corbyn makes no apologies for his allegiances at the time. He is happy to condemn the British Army, who were defending democracy and the rule of law, but not the terrorist murderers of the IRA. Click here to see his lies and hypocrisy exposed.

Watch this brief video to hear it from his own lips:

In the previous General Election, the Labour Party was obviously very embarrassed by all this. Typical of the left they are answering criticism with revisionism and lies. Much like the Soviet Union did. They are saying that Corbyn was actually a peace maker, which is farcical when you look at the evidence above. And which peace maker only talks to one side in a conflict? Lefties also say that the British Government was talking to the IRA during the troubles. This is true. In every war there are back channels to handle common concerns. This is not the same as actively supporting your enemy, as Corbyn did. Also they are pointing to pictures of the Queen shaking Martin McGuinness’s hand. But this was long after the conflict was over and the defeated IRA had signed a peace treaty. Not at the height of the conflict when Corbyn was giving succor to terrorism.

This post was originally published by the author on his personal blog: http://www.bruceonpolitics.com/2017/05/14/jeremy-corbyn-traitor-british-people/

About Bruce Everiss

Bruce is a political blogger and veteran games industry marketer based in the United Kingdom.

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